Developing Games with Minecraft API

Here is distribution of Craftbukkit that you will need to work and follow the examples of the presentation. You can check the project out or simply download the zip package. The link to the zip package should be on the right.

The instructions are for Windows. If you are using a Mac or Linux, change the parts that are appropriate.

There is a video walking through the installation process The steps are outlined below

You should have already have Minecraft 1.6.2, Python 2.7 installed and Java installed. After you have installed Python and Java, follow the instructions below

  • Unzip the package in the desktop.

  • Double click on run.bat. This will start the server. If on a Mac, use run-mac.command

  • Start Minecraft on your laptop. Select multiple player, and then find the 'local craftbukkit' server. Log into that world. If you don't see it, use direct connect instead. For the address type in 'localhost' and click connect.

  • From the bukkit folder, got to the "development" folder. You should see two folders and scripts. Double click on console.bat. That will start the command prompt.

  • Run the test script by typing


You should see text output on the server console, and a block should appear near you in Minecraft. If this works, then you have installed everything correctly.

Start poking around

If you have installed this package before the presentation, start poking around. Change values in the code. See what happens. If you figured out something cool, be sure to be ready to share it the day of the presentation.

The sequence of the scripts

  • and
  • and
  • and

Installing the software yourself

This is what you need

Python 2.7

Java 7

Find more examples

If you want to explore more, then look stuff about code, Minecraft, which is the source of code and inspiration for this presentation.