
This app was tested on node version 18.20.1 (latest) Package manager: pnpm 8.15.6 (to install the package manager make sure you're unsing the correct node version and then run npm i -g pnpm)

You can use npm as well.

To Run

Dev enviroment (open on localhost:3000)

pnpm dev

to build and run in production mode:

pnpm build
pnpm start

App Structure

  • /app: Contains all the routes, initial app layout.
  • /utils: Contains functions used in your application, such as reusable utility functions.
  • /components: Contains all the UI components, that can be reusable on all features or application.
  • /features: Containes code or components used for specific feature in the app, they are not reusable on other features
  • /public: Contains all the static assets of the application, such as images