This repo holds the Hi Five Soccer App server.
In order to install it on your machine, first make sure you have node, npm and mongodb installed by running: node -v
, npm -v
and mongo --version
. These commands should output version numbers of your programs. If not, you should install them.
You'll need to create your MongoDB database:
$ mongo
> use hifive
> db.createUser({user: "admin", pwd: "pwd", roles: [{role: "readWrite", db: "hifive"}]})
> exit
$ mongo --verbose -u admin -ppwd localhost/hifive
# if you see a prompt at this point, then your db and user has been created.
To install the server, do as follows:
$ git clone # You can also clone in HTTPS
$ cd hi-five-server
$ npm i
$ cp app/config.sample.js app/config.js
Then, launch it by running:
$ npm start