
A few (very) BIG polygons

A few BIG polygons

A few examples of big polygons as found in GIS. Big here means that they contain several vertices and/or several inner rings (also called holes, or inner boundaries).

They are all publicly available, and are usually polygons reprensenting land cover.

I usually use them to test the capabilities of code I write to process GIS datasets, eg prepair.

The CRS of all the polygons is EPSG:4326 so that they can be visualised direclty here in GitHub (just click on one geojson to view it).

I'd be grateful if you submitted other interesting ones through pull requests.


dataset total # vertices # inner rings # vertices largest ring source OGC valid
cleveland 1,689,703 66,908 500,373 Cleveland Metroparks false
EU-199948 1,189,903 7,671 280,150 Corine land cover false
russia 283,515 0 283,515 Large Scale International Boundary Lines true
canada 193,279 0 193,279 Large Scale International Boundary Lines true
085M 192,355 7,684 39,067 Canada Land Cover false
021L 148,612 5,132 34,471 Canada Land Cover false
EU-180927 102,272 298 63,346 Corine land cover false