playground project for multiple technologies
- machine learning / reinforment learning
- tensorflow
- python
- kubernetes
- vuejs
- nightjs/cucumber
- mongodb
- Linux ubunto(scripts should work in other versions as well)
- python3
- k8 (minikube for dev env) with docker
- localhost docker registry in port 5000
- in /kubernetes/kubernetesdev/web-deployment.yaml and /kubernetes/kubernetese2e/orig/web-deployment.yaml ,replace the volume path with the abolute path in your work env., eg "/home/hugo/Projects/aioverlord/aioverlord-frontend" . this enables the changing web code without docker deploy. task to delocalize is pending
- run: "gradle build" to build all the artifacts
- run: "gradle rundev" for a dev instance.
- run: for running the test suit.
- for checkin a feature test in vnc, run: python3 world vnc