
This project contains the api required in order to manage a fictional library called "my dreamed library"

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This project contains an api that allows to manage a simple library with the follow endpoints:

  • Create a book
  • Remove a book by Id
  • Get a list of all overdue books
  • Checkout a book from a user
  • Return a book
  • list all currently checked out books for a user

Following you'll find the API spec for each function described before.


POST -- Create a book
body: {
    "title": "MY BOOK",
    "ISBN": "MI0189811289312-919213",
    "author": "MY author",
    "publisher": "my publisher",
    "copies": 3

If you don't put the copy element, the system will create a book with 1 copy, if you repeat the same book, the system will increment the copy number for the existent book

DELETE -- Remove a book

In this case you only can remove a book that does not have currently checkout books for any user

GET -- Get a list of overdue books
    "user_id": 2,
    "book_id": 1,
    "return_date": "2021-01-01T13:23:00.000Z",
    "checkout_status": "checkout"


POST -- Do a checkout
body: {"ISBN": "XAS123AA12k1"}

If the user has the capacity of do a checkout the system will retreave a 201 status code, else will retrieve an error

GET -- Get currently checkout by user
returns [{user_id: 1, book_id: 1, return_date: "2021-02-01T13:00:00.000Z", checkout_status: "checkout"}]
DELETE -- Returns a checked out book

How to Install

in order to install the system you must do the following commands

Install dependencies

  • npm install

Run database migrations

  • Configure your env file with the follow variables
  • run node_modules/.bin/knex migrate:latest

Run the server

  • Configure your env file variables
  • run npm start

Business Rules

A User can check out any book except when:

  • They currently have 3 checked-out books.
  • They are overdue on returning any book.
  • An endpoint to return a checked-out book to the library.
  • An endpoint that lists all currently checked out books for that user.

Extra rules

A user only can check out a book that does not have in the moment A user only can check out a book if there is available copies A book only can be deleted if all copies are available (no copies checked out)