Bank APP

Ruby on Rails 5


App to create clients with a bank account to perform witdraws and deposits transactions into the same account or theirs.

Those transaction are base in Ajax request to an endpoint. Account can't be deleted if have money.

  • Ruby version '2.6.3'

  • Database creation rails db:migrate

  • Configuration

 $ git clone
 $ cd bank-project
 $ bundle install
 $ rails s
  • Add Client Into the App there's a form to create a new client or can be created in the console
 $ rails console
 $ Client.create!(first_name: "Hugo", last_name: "Mandujano", client_number: "0000001") 
 $ client = Client.last
 $ exit
  • Add Bank Account Into the app there's a form to create bank accounts, but needs to be a Client first.

or you can create it in the console like:

 $ rails console
 $ BankAccount.create!(client: client, account_number: "000000001")
 $ exit

## Models There are 3 models: Clients, BankAccount and Transactions

  • Clients
  • BanAccount

The balance in the form is not required because if is a new record gets 0.00 by default.

  • Transaction


* Style
* Use a Front Framework like React [React Project](
* A client can't make transactions to other accounts, just theirs.
* Use Devise or a similar Gem to make a Admin secction 
* Unit tests (Rspec)
* Deploy to a server

## Deployment instructions