
HAW Hamburg - RN Praktikum (Rechnernetze) WS21/22 - Prof. Dr. Martin Becke

Primary LanguageC++


Load project in CLion

  • Open rn directory in CLion
  • Right click on top-level CMakeLists.txt -> Load CMake Project
  • Now you can select the runconfigs http_server and snatch in the top right corner

UML Diagrams

frame "cd Rechnernetze"{
package "connection_base" {
    class Connection{
        - file_descriptor: int
        + <<Create>> (host: string)
        + <<Create>> (address: Addres, file_descriptor: int)
        + receive_string(): string
        + receive_bytes(): char[]
        + send(message: string)
        + send_slow(message: string)

package "http_server"{
    class ConnectionListener {
      - file_descriptor: int
      - server_port: int
      + <<Create>> (server_port: int, backlog: int)
      + accept_next_connection() : Connection
      + shutdown()

ConnectionListener::accept_next_connection ..> Connection : <<creates>>
