Copyright (c) 2013 - 2014, Redmaner
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International license
The license can be found at

This code is live on:
This website can be used to dermine the errors below, you also could use this code to do it on your local machine.

What is this for?

This will check a language repo for XML errors.
It checks the xmls for three things:

  • Common XML errors, e.g. non closing tags <>, UTF8 encoding issues etc.
  • Doubles
  • A "+" before a tag
  • Apostrophe syntax errors
  • Untranslateable strings
  • Array items

What do I need to run this?

  • Linux or Mac OSX
  • Packages: libxml (xmllint), uniq, sort


./ --help
Note: Sync repo's first before starting a check!