
rsync auto script

Do What The F*ck You Want To Public LicenseWTFPL

rsyncas - Rsync Auto Script

Yes, i was running out of ideas for the name


This software is licensed under the highly restrictive DO WHAT THE FUCK YOU WANT TO PUBLIC LICENSE 2.0 or later. If this license doesn't suit you: you're doing it wrong.

What it does?

Sync files. Yes its just a rsync automator. I use it to backup my servers

There are so many backup solutions/scripts, why another?

  • This was a 2 hours cooking to replace some bloated "backup solution/script" that i found on the "internets" and was burning my CPU.
  • This one DON'T ask your for some oldschool tape drive.
  • This one does exactly what i want.

Installing dependencies (as root)

  • On Debian: apt-get install rsync php5-cli
  • On CentOs: yum install rsync php5-cli

Installing rsyncAs

curl https://github.com/hugorodrigues/rsyncas/raw/master/rsyncas > /usr/bin/rsyncas
chmod +x /usr/bin/rsyncas
curl https://github.com/hugorodrigues/rsyncas/raw/master/rsyncas.example.conf > /etc/rsyncas.conf
vim /etc/rsyncas.conf

Note: You can use/install rsync without root, just change /usr/bin/rsyncas to ~/rsyncas/rsyncas and /etc/rsyncas.conf to ~/rsyncas/rsyncas.conf

Upgrading rsyncAs

curl https://github.com/hugorodrigues/rsyncas/raw/master/rsyncas > /usr/bin/rsyncas

Basic usage

First you define a backup setting like:

$bck['mybackup'] = array(
    'description' => 'This is the description of your backup conf',
    'pre_cmd' => 'someCommandToExecute_BEFORE_Sync.sh',
    'source' => '/my/local/folder/to/backup/',
    'destination' => 'someUser@someBackupServer.com:/some/folder/',
    'post_cmd' => 'someCommandToExecute_AFTER_Sync.sh'

and then to backup that setting you run:

$ rsyncas mybackup

You can have multiple settings, and run them all:

$ rsyncas --all

You may also define setting in runtime:

$ rsyncas source='/some/folder/' destination='someUser@someBackupServer.com:/some/folder/' description='My descrition'

Some real world examples

Backup a webserver:

$bck['www'] = array(
    'description' => 'Backup http root',
    'source' => '/var/www/',
    'destination' => 'someUser@someBackupServer.com:/backups/www/'

To backup this "www" setting:

$ rsyncas www

Backup a Mysql Server:

$bck['mysql'] = array(
    'description' => 'Mysql Backup',
    'pre_cmd' => 'mysqldump --opt mydatabase > /tmp/mysql/mydatabase.sql',
    'source' => '/tmp/mysql/',
    'destination' => 'someUser@someBackupServer.com:/backups/mysql/',
    'post_cmd' => 'rm /tmp/mysql/mydatabase.sql'

To backup this "mysql" setting:

$ rsyncas mysql

Mirror a website:

$bck['mirror'] = array(
    'description' => 'Server Mirror',
    'source' => '/var/www/',
    'destination' => 'someUser@someMirrorServer.com:/var/www/'

To backup this "mirror" setting:

$ rsyncas mirror

To backup all the previous defined settings:

$ rsyncas --all

Cron usage

Just like you normally do. Something like:

10 2 * * * root rsyncas demoName


rsyncas version 0.1  |  https://github.com/hugorodrigues/rsyncas
rsyncas comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.  This is free software, and you
are welcome to redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the
Do What The Fuck You Want To Public License, Version 2.

Usage: rsyncas --help         | useless. shows this message
  or   rsyncas --all          | run all pre-defined configurations
  or   rsyncas --test         | Test e-mail settings/delivery
  or   rsyncas key            | run a specific setting
  or   rsyncas [OPTION]       |

  description=                | description of the sync
  source=                     | source target
  destination=                | destination target
  ssh_port=                   | alternative ssh port
  pre_cmd=                    | command to execute before sync
  post_cmd=                   | command to execute after sync

  rsynca mybackup             | run the pre-defined "mybackup" configuration
  rsynca --all                | run all pre-defined configurations
