
STOMP client for Embarcadero Delphi and FreePascal.

Primary LanguagePascal

Delphi/FreePascal STOMP Client

STOMP client for Embarcadero Delphi and FreePascal.

Currently tested on

  • Apache ActiveMQ 5.2
  • Apache ActiveMQ 5.3.x
  • Apache ActiveMQ 5.4.2.
  • RabbitMQ 3.5.1+

The project can use INDY (Delphi) or Synapse (Delphi or FreePascal). In case you want to use Synapse, you have to get a copy of Synapse library from http://synapse.ararat.cz/doku.php/download.

More info on the author's blog http://www.danieleteti.it/stomp-client/

Project license: APACHE LICENSE, VERSION 2

Delphi STOMP Client Team

Daniele Teti (Lead Developer)

Daniel Gaspary (Free Pascal Mantainer)


Oliver Marr (encoding fixes)

Marco Mottadelli (iOS fixes)

Chenavier Gérald (STOMP 1.1 improvement)

Marcelo Varela (Raw UTF8 messages support)

