

A lot of Nvim plugins are mainly written in Python, so we must install Python 3. The easiest way to install is via Anaconda or Miniconda.

After installation, make sure that you can run python --version, and that the output should be Python 3.x.


Nvim relies on pynvim to communicate with plugins that utilize its Python binding. Pynvim is required by plugins such as wilder.nvim.

pip install -U pynvim


python-lsp-server (pylsp) is a Python Language Server for completion, linting, go to definition, etc.

pip install 'python-lsp-server[all]' pylsp-mypy pyls-isort

Note the executable for pylsp is also named pylsp. You need to set its PATH correctly. If you use pip from Anaconda, the executable path may be something like $CONDA_ROOT/bin/pylsp. For native python, the path for pylsp may be like $HOME/.local/bin/pylsp


We need to install node.js from here. For Linux, you can use the following script:

# Ref:

mkdir -p $HOME/tools
# extract node to a custom directory, the directory should exist.
tar xvf node-v14.15.4-linux-x64.tar.xz --directory=$HOME/tools

Then add the following config to .bash_profile or .zshrc

export PATH="$HOME/tools/node-v14.15.4-linux-x64/bin:$PATH"

Source the file:

source ~/.bash_profile
# source ~/.zshrc


vim-language-server provides completion for vim script. We can install vim-language-server globally:

npm install -g vim-language-server

vim-language-server is installed in the same directory as the node executable.


Git is required by plugin manager packer.nvim and other git-related plugins.

For Linux and macOS, Git is usually pre-installed. The version of Git on the Linux system may be too old so that plugins may break. Check here on how to install and set up the latest version of Git. For Windows, install Git for Windows and make sure you can run git from command line.


In order to use tags related plugins such as vista.vim, we need to install a ctags distribution. Universal-ctags is preferred.

To install it on Linux, we need to build it from source. See here for the details. To install ctags on macOS, use Homebrew:

brew install ctags


Ripgrep, aka, rg, is a fast grepping tool available for both Linux, Windows and macOS. It is used by several searching plugins.

For Windows and macOS, we can install it via chocolatey and homebrew respectively. For Linux, we can download the binary release and install it.

Set its PATH properly and make sure you can run rg from command line.


A linter is a tool to check the source code for possible style and syntax issues. Based on the programming languages we use, we may need to install various linters.

Set their PATH properly and make sure you can run pylint, flake8 and vint from command line.

Install Neovim

There are various ways to install Nvim depending on your system. This config is only maintained for the latest nvim stable release.


You can directly download the binary release from here. You can also use the system package manager to install nvim, but that is not reliable since the latest version may not be available.


It is recommended to install neovim via Homebrew on macOS. Simply run the following command:

brew install neovim

After installing Nvim, we need to set the path to nvim correctly. Make sure that you can run nvim from the command line after all these setups.

Setting up Nvim

After installing nvim and all the dependencies, we will install plugin managers and set up this config.

Install plugin manager packer.nvim

I use packer.nvim to manage my plugins. We need to install packer.nvim on our system first.

MacOS and Linux, run the following command:

git clone --depth=1 ~/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/opt/packer.nvim


I'm also using the prettier plugin. And before we can use that, we first need to install 'prettierd'.

On MacOS Run the following command:

brew install fsouza/prettierd/prettierd