
emacs auto-complete & company-mode for php

Primary LanguagePHP

ac-php MELPA MELPA Stable

ac-php-core MELPA

emacs auto-completion for php

supports auto-complete and company-mode and spacemacs layer

use phpctags to generate tags

and use ac-php to work with these tags

  • supports system functions

  • supports system classes

core: SPL SplFileInfo DOMDocument SimpleXMLElement ...

extended: PDO Http mysqli Imagick SQLite3 Memcache ...

extended: Redis, Swoole

  • supports user's own classes

  • example:


Table of Contents



  • install php-cli package for phpctags
localhost:~/$ sudo apt-get install php-cli


 brew install homebrew/php/php56

check if php exists

localhost:~$ php --version
PHP 5.5.20 (cli) (built: Feb 25 2015 23:30:53)
Copyright (c) 1997-2014 The PHP Group
Zend Engine v2.5.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2014 Zend Technologies

##  Test

#backup old .emacs
cp ~/.emacs ~/.emacs.bak

save it as ~/.emacs

  (setq package-archives
        '(("melpa" . "https://melpa.org/packages/")) )
  (unless (package-installed-p 'ac-php )
    (package-install 'ac-php )
  (require 'cl)
  (require 'php-mode)
  (add-hook 'php-mode-hook
            '(lambda ()
               (auto-complete-mode t)
               (require 'ac-php)
               (setq ac-sources  '(ac-source-php ) )
               (yas-global-mode 1)
               (ac-php-core-eldoc-setup ) ;; enable eldoc

               (define-key php-mode-map  (kbd "C-]") 'ac-php-find-symbol-at-point)   ;goto define
               (define-key php-mode-map  (kbd "C-t") 'ac-php-location-stack-back)    ;go back
cd ~/
git clone https://github.com/xcwen/ac-php/
#test php files in ~/ac-php/phptest
#open file for test
emacs ~/ac-php/phptest/testb.php


  • install ac-php from melpa
  (setq package-archives
        '(("melpa" . "https://melpa.org/packages/")) )

"M-x": package-list-packages find ac-php there and install it

  • emacs php-mode function define

works for auto-complete-mode, company-mode config is available here

  (add-hook 'php-mode-hook
            '(lambda ()
               (auto-complete-mode t)
               (require 'ac-php)
               (setq ac-sources  '(ac-source-php ) )
               (yas-global-mode 1)

               (ac-php-core-eldoc-setup ) ;; enable eldoc
               (define-key php-mode-map  (kbd "C-]") 'ac-php-find-symbol-at-point)   ;goto define
               (define-key php-mode-map  (kbd "C-t") 'ac-php-location-stack-back)    ;go back
  • create file ".ac-php-conf.json" in root of your project
cd /project/to/path #  root dir of project
touch .ac-php-conf.json
  • DONE

  • commands

cmd info
ac-php-remake-tags if source has been changed, run this command to update tags
ac-php-remake-tags-all **if you find an error, run it and retest**
ac-php-find-symbol-at-point go to definition
ac-php-location-stack-back go back
ac-php-show-tip show definition at point
helm-ac-php-apropos search through all the definitions of a project with helm

Usage with Company

"M-x": package-list-packages find company-php install

(add-hook 'php-mode-hook
          '(lambda ()
             (require 'company-php)
             (company-mode t)
             (ac-php-core-eldoc-setup) ;; enable eldoc
             (make-local-variable 'company-backends)
             (add-to-list 'company-backends 'company-ac-php-backend)))

use M-x: company-complete to complete

Usage with Spacemacs


Php Doc completion

define class member type:

public $v1; =>

 * @var classtype
public $v1;

if you won't define public $v1 you can define it in a class comment, like this =>

  * @property  \Test\Testa  $v1
  * @method  int add($a,$b)
  * @use  \Test\TestC
class Testb  extends Ta {

define function's return type using a doc comment:

 * @return classtype
public function get_v1()
  * @method  classtype get_v1()
class Testb  extends Ta {

or define it using php7 typehints:

public function get_v1(): classtype  {


define variable: (if function or member has no defined return value then you need to define it)

$value=ff(); =>

/** @var  Testa $value */

like this

   class define ..
   @property  \Test\Testa  $v8
class Testa {

     * @var int;
    const CON=1;

     * @var Testb;
    public  $v1;
     * @var \Test\TestC;
    public  $v2;
    public function set_v1($v){

        //for complete system function

        $c=new Testb();
        //can complete

        //for complete member

        //for complete function  return type
        $this-> get_v2()->testC();

        //for complete field from comment

        //for complete system class
        $q=new SplQueue ();

       //jump for class function point
        $f=array($this->v8, "test_A" );


     * @return  \Test\TestC;
    public function get_v2(){


tags file location dir is in ~/.ac-php/project_dir, for example: ~/.ac-php/tags-home-jim-ac-php-phptest/

localhost:~/.ac-php$ tree tags-home-jim-ac-php-phptest/
├── cache-files.json
├── tags-data-cache2.el
├── tags-data.el
└── tags_dir_jim
    ├── a.el
    ├── dir1-sss.el
    ├── testa.el
    ├── testb.el
    └── testc.el
1 directory, 8 files

Configure PHP file searching for a large project

configuration file name is .ac-php-conf.json

when you run ac-php-remake-tags and your .ac-php-conf.json is empty, default json will be generated

which looks like this

  "filter": {
    "php-file-ext-list": [
    "php-path-list": [
    "php-path-list-without-subdir": []

php-file-ext-list: file extern name list;

php-path-list: paths to search for php files recursively;

php-path-list-without-subdir: paths to search for php files excluding subdirs;

for example:

├── dir1
│   ├── 1.php
│   └── dir11
│       └── 11.php
├── dir2
│   └── 2.php
└── dir3
    ├── 3.php
    ├── dir31
    │   └── 31.php
    ├── dir32
    │   └── 32.php
    └── dir33
        └── 33.php
  "filter": {
    "php-file-ext-list": [
    "php-path-list": [
    "php-path-list-without-subdir": [

filter result is:

├── dir1
│   ├── 1.php
│   └── dir11
│       └── 11.php
├── dir2
│   └── 2.php
└── dir3
    ├── 3.php
    ├── dir32
    │   └── 32.php

31.php 33.php will be ignored during tag generation;

laravel example:

  "filter": {
    "php-file-ext-list": [
    "php-path-list": [
    "php-path-list-without-subdir": []

You can also add the standard php library with phpstorm stubs.

Assuming you cloned this repo into /usr/local/src/phpstorm-stubs you base configuration will be:

  "filter": {
    "php-file-ext-list": [
    "php-path-list": [
    "php-path-list-without-subdir": []

Rebuild Tags

if source is changed, re run this command to update tags: ac-php-remake-tags

If something goes wrong with one of your files, you can find all errors in the Messages buffer.
Fix it and get to the next error.

like this:

phpctags[/home/jim/phptest/testa.php] ERROR:PHPParser: Unexpected token '}' on line 11 -

you need to fix an error in testa.php and re run ac-php-remake-tags

if it shows:

no find file .ac-php-conf.json dir in path list :/home/jim/phptest/

then you need to create file ".ac-php-conf.json" in root of project

like this:

touch /home/jim/phptest/.ac-php-conf.json


touch /home/jim/.ac-php-conf.json


To approach a problem

If you want to tackle down a problem, you should

exec: M-x: ac-php-remake-tags-all

and retest

for test code example

issue example

;;; Usage: /path/to/emacs -nw -Q -l /path/to/test-ac-php.el


(global-set-key (kbd "C-h") 'delete-backward-char)
(global-set-key (kbd "M-h") 'backward-kill-word)
(global-set-key (kbd "<f1>") 'help-command)
(define-key isearch-mode-map "\C-h" 'isearch-delete-char)

(setq package-user-dir (format "%s/elpa--test-ac-php" user-emacs-directory))
(setq package-archives
      ;;'(("melpa" . "http://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/elpa/melpa/")))
       '(("melpa" . "https://melpa.org/packages/")))


(defmacro try-install (pkg)
  `(unless (package-installed-p ,pkg)
     (package-install ,pkg)))

(try-install 'ac-php)
(try-install 'company)
(try-install 'company-php)

(require 'cl)
(require 'php-mode)

(add-hook 'php-mode-hook
          '(lambda ()
             (require 'company-php)
             (company-mode t)
             (ac-php-core-eldoc-setup ) ;; enable eldoc
             (add-to-list 'company-backends 'company-ac-php-backend)))

(setq auto-mode-alist
       '(("\\.php" . php-mode)) auto-mode-alist))

(add-hook 'after-init-hook 'global-company-mode)
(run-hooks 'after-init-hook)

;;; test-ac-php.el ends here