
Attempt to make Objective-C more like Ruby

Primary LanguageC

Objective-C Rubyfication Project

Objective-C is a great language and Cocoa provides a great set of tools. But if
you are like me and came from Ruby, you will miss lots of things. Some things
can be achieved in Obj-C but with added verbosity.

But, Obj-C has features such as Blocks, Categories, Selectors, Variable length
arguments list for methods, and this allow us to emulate much of the Ruby
standard libraries and syntax to Obj-C.

The idea is to implement Categories to add Ruby-ish features to existing Obj-C classes
such as NSString and NSArray.

Then you can code like this:

NSString* a = @"hello\nworld\nagain";
NSMutableArray* b = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
[a eachLine:^(NSString* line){
  [b addObject:line];

NSDate* ref = [NSDate parse:@"2010-01-01 10:15:30"];

Feel free to add new features and let me know if this is useful or not, right
now I am doing this just for the fun of it.
