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This is a plugin for the Python code-checking tool Flake8 to encourage correct string literal concatenation.

It looks for style problems like implicitly concatenated string literals on the same line (which can be introduced by the code-formatting tool Black), or unnecessary plus operators for explicit string literal concatenation.


pip install flake8-implicit-str-concat


$ cat example.py
s = ('111111111111111111111'
$ black example.py
reformatted example.py
All done! ✨ 🍰 ✨
1 file reformatted.
$ cat example.py
s = "111111111111111111111" "222222222222222222222"
$ flake8 example.py
example.py:1:28: ISC001 implicitly concatenated string literals on one line
$ edit example.py # Remove the " " and save
$ cat example.py
s = "111111111111111111111222222222222222222222"
$ black example.py
All done! ✨ 🍰 ✨
1 file left unchanged.
$ flake8 example.py

Violation codes

The plugin uses the prefix ISC, short for Implicit String Concatenation.

Code Description
ISC001 implicitly concatenated string literals on one line
ISC002 implicitly concatenated string literals over continuation line
ISC003 explicitly concatenated string should be implicitly concatenated

Release Notes

You can find the release notes on the releases page.