
Street View images from random locations in a given country

Primary LanguagePython

random street view

Command-line Python 3 script to get a number of Street View images from random locations in a given country.

Random (lat, lon) co-ordinates are generated from the country's border's bounding box, then checked to make sure they're within the actual borders. The corresponding Street View image downloaded. Repeat until required number of images have been fetched.



usage: random_street_view.py [-h] [-n IMAGES_WANTED] [-hdg HEADING] [-p PITCH]

Get random Street View images from a given country

positional arguments:
  country               ISO 3166-1 Alpha-3 Country Code

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -n IMAGES_WANTED, --images-wanted IMAGES_WANTED
                        Number of images wanted (default: 10)
  -hdg HEADING, --heading HEADING
                        Heading in degrees: 0 and 360 north, 90 east, 180
                        south, 270 west (default: None)
  -p PITCH, --pitch PITCH
                        Pitch in degrees: 0 is default, 90 straight up, -90
                        straight down (default: None)

For example:

python3 random_street_view.py GBR