
Invalid locations count as API hits

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Hi, I noticed that if a location does not exist in street view, it still counts as an API hit on the google API console. However I noticed that the following code will not count misses:

    import google_streetview.api
    rand_lat = "{:.6f}".format(random.uniform(-90, 90))
	rand_lon = "{:.6f}".format(random.uniform(-180, 180))
	rand_heading = "{:.4f}".format(random.uniform(0, 360))

	# Define parameters for street view api
	params = [{
		'size': '640x640', # max 640x640 pixels
		'location': rand_lat + ',' + rand_lon,
		'heading': rand_heading,
		'pitch': '0',
		'key': ''

	# Create a results object
	results = google_streetview.api.results(params)


Would it be possible to incorporate this approach instead?

You're right, it does count hits even if there's no image available.

Sure, if you'd like to try using the google_streetview library, or seeing what the library itself does, PRs are welcome.

Alternatively, have a look at PR #5 (stuck in review), which uses a metadata endpoint to reduce the number of hits. I expect the library uses the same approach.