
Python version of Satellite Eyes for Windows

Primary LanguagePython

Satellite Pies

Satellite Pies

A hacked up Python version of Satellite Eyes for Windows to set your desktop wallpaper to a map of your current position. You can use maps from OpenStreetMap, Stamen's Watercolor and Toner, MapQuest Open Aerial, or another slippy map tile server.


usage: satellite_pies.py [-h] [-t {toner,watercolor,osm,aerial}] [-u URL]
                         [-z level] [-x lat,lon] [-n NAME] [-r] [-w minutes]

Satellite pies.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -t {toner,watercolor,osm,aerial}, --tile {toner,watercolor,osm,aerial}
                        Type of map tile to use (default: watercolor)
  -u URL, --url_base URL
                        Base URL for map tiles (use instead of --tile)
                        (default: None)
  -z level, --zoom level
                        Map zoom level (default: None)
  -x lat,lon, --coords lat,lon
                        Instead of your current position, use these
                        coordinates (default: None)
  -n NAME, --name NAME  Instead of your current position, use this place name
                        (default: None)
  -r, --repeat          Repeat (default: False)
  -w minutes, --wait minutes
                        Minutes to wait between repeat (default: 5)


Run once with Watercolor maps at zoom 17:


Run once with Toner maps at zoom 15:

satellite_pies.py --tile toner --zoom 15

Update every ten minutes with OpenStreetMap maps:

satellite_pies.py --tile osm --repeat --wait 10

Run once with an aerial map of a specific location (remembering west is negative):

satellite_pies.py -x 38.8977,-77.0366 --tile aerial

Show an aerial photo of a named place:

satellite_pies.py -t aerial -n "golden gate bridge"

Show a map of a named place with a specified map tile server:

satellite_pies.py --name copenhagen --url_base http://tile.stamen.com/toner-lite



Install with pip:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Optional prerequisite for Windows XP

  • Windows XP needs WirelessNetConsole to get a list of nearby wifi networks, otherwise it will be based on your public-facing IP address which is less accurate.

  • For Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008, nearby wifi networks can be found with netsh wlan (not available on XP).

Map terms of use

The map images have the following terms of use.

  • OSM maps: (c) OpenStreetMap and contributors, CC-BY-SA.

  • Watercolor and Toner maps: Courtesy of Stamen Design, and use OpenStreetMap data, (c) OpenStreetMap and contributors CC-BY-SA.

  • MapQuest Open Aerial Tiles: Portions Courtesy NASA/JPL-Caltech and U.S. Depart. of Agriculture, Farm Service Agency. Tiles Courtesy of MapQuest.