GunDB transport for redux-p2p-middleware
Use with redux-p2p-middleware
GunDB offers offline-first replication capabilities. Use this module to replicate redux actions using GunDB. See redux-p2p-middleware for additional transports.
yarn add redux-p2p-gundb-transport
var replicateActions = require('redux-p2p-middleware')
var GunDbTransport = require('redux-p2p-gundb-transport/browser')
// For Node use 'redux-p2p-gundb-transport/node'
const transport = new GunDbTransport('Gun server URL')
const actionsToReplicate = ['DRAW_LINE','DRAW_RECT','DRAW_OVAL']
const replicator = replicateActions(actionsToReplicate, transport)
const store = createStore(myRootReducer, applyMiddleware(replicator))
opts can be a string with the url of the gundb server or an object with additional gun options.
room:'room name',
... other specific gundb options
If you set a room name, then only actions emitted by peers on the same room will be replicated.
For additional options see
A gun server adds persistence (files, S3, etc) and distributes changes among peers.