- 0
Stylus needs an update in BOM
#32 opened by duongdv95 - 3
node bot.js unspecified "error" event
#30 opened by hc89yk - 10
OSX Yosemite: node src/bot.js run Errors
#27 opened by Chasen88 - 2
- 0
Q about "3 Open the calibration page on your phone: http://<your machine's ip>:8011"
#24 opened by mmuir - 0
Connection Problem on Win7
#22 opened by sicetix - 5
- 1
Unable to detect USB serial port on Mavericks‎
#21 opened by ubatra13 - 0
stylus on effector sits too close to screen
#13 opened by ubatra13 - 2
Calibration issues
#19 opened by plaetzchen - 7
calibrate failure
#12 opened by ubatra13 - 1