
A PureJS implementation of geo-location measurements

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Pure JS implementation of basic mathmatical solutions to geo-location measurements


  • Haversine equation: shortest distance between two geopoints over earth's surface
  • Spherical Law of Cosines: An alternative measurement between two geopoints
  • Equirectangular Approximation: A high performace alterantive (with accuracy loss) to Haversine
  • Bounding Box: Finds the max/min lat/lon values from a centerpoint as a square
  • Validation: Checks inputed lat/lon values to be within -90 to 90 and -180 to 180


Using npm run:

    npm install earth-distance-js



Returns distance in KM

const { haversine } = require('earth-distance-js');

var Newyork = {
    lat: 40.6971,
    lon: -74.2598
var Boston = {
    lat: 42.3140,
    lon: -71.2497
var NewyorkToBoston = haversine(Newyork, Boston);

// --> 308.84810486810926

Spherical Cosine

Returns distance in KM

const { sphericalCosines } = require('earth-distance-js');

var Newyork = {
    lat: 40.6971,
    lon: -74.2598
var Boston = {
    lat: 42.3140,
    lon: -71.2497

var NewyorkToBoston = sphericalCosines(Newyork, Boston);

// --> 308.7849679955355

Equirectangular Eq

Returns distance in KM

const { equirectangular } = require('earth-distance-js');

var Newyork = {
    lat: 40.6971,
    lon: -74.2598
var Boston = {
    lat: 42.3140,
    lon: -71.2497

var NewyorkToBoston = equirectangular(Newyork, Boston);

// --> 339.304994196915

NOTE: equirectangular will be inaccurate over large distances. However, it is more performant than haversine. Over short distances metrics where exact distance does not matter, is generally the best use scenario.

Bounding Box

Returns min/max set of geopoints

const { getBoundingBox } = require('earth-distance-js');

var Newyork = {
    lat: 40.6971,
    lon: -74.2598

var NewyorkBoundBox = getBoundingBox(Newyork, 280);
// [
//  -77.57817195169761,
//  38.18181720446535,
//  -70.94142804830238,
//  43.212382795534666
// ]

NOTE: when using getBoundingBox remember that the distance inputted is 'horizontal/ vertial' maxima, rather than a 'max radius', the distance of the min/max geopoints will be farther (similar to isosceles right angle triangle);
