
PHP XPath Utilities

Primary LanguageHTML


This librairy provides utilities function to ease xpath manipulation

Build Status Coverage Status


Install package with composer

composer require hugsbrugs/php-xpath

In your PHP code, load librairy

require_once __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
use Hug\Xpath\Xpath as Xpath;


Extracts all elements matching query

Xpath::extract_all($html, $query = '//a');

Extracts first element matching query

Xpath::extract_first($html, $query = '//body//h3');

Extracts body of HTML document


Replaces body of HTML document

Xpath::replace_body($html, $new_body = '<div>Hello World !</div>');

XPath fails at extracting html tags style attributes content so this function makes it !

Xpath::extract_style($html, $query = '//body//div[@class="inscriptionadsl"]', $style_property = 'height');

Extract first iframe from a webpage matching a given domain name

Xpath::extract_iframe($html, $domain = 'hugo.maugey.fr');

Unit Tests

phpunit --bootstrap vendor/autoload.php tests


Hugo Maugey visit my website ;)