- 0n3t04ll
- 0xlingchina
- aweNousaku
- bdmcbri
- calladoum-elastic@elastic
- chin0incheon, Republic of Korea
- coolkingcole
- cruddAtlanta, Ga
- curseybig videogame company
- d0mnikSingapore
- dididudu998
- extremecoders-reSol III
- fabiohtoSão Paulo
- famasoonTokyo, Japn
- gamous/dev/urandom
- habib26-14moroccan school of engineering sciences
- hacksysteamHackSys Inc
- immortalp0nyRU
- impost0r@thesecretclub (former)
- morimolymolyTokyo
- mrexodiaPoland
- p0prxx
- plowsecBugscale
- ProteasZone 3
- rainysoul
- sferriniUndisclosed
- solidbirdBased department
- thejanit0r
- thelumberjhackSquamish, BC
- ufwt
- Vang3lis饿龙@BIT -> VARAS@IIE|NeSE(retire)
- x0nu11byt3\x00