Pinned issues
- 1
Installation failes with urllib.error.HTTPError: HTTP Error 403: rate limit exceeded
#1178 opened by juxeii - 2
Assembly code highlight
#1176 opened by gildasio - 4
[feature] Add a pwndbg p2p command
#1161 opened by tesuji - 3
[Bug] Command 'context' failed to execute properly, reason: 'syscall_args'
#1174 opened by juliavdkris - 6
Detect debug-file-directory for gdb installed by Nix
#1169 opened by tesuji - 3
[Bug] extremely slow when debugging the linux kernel
#1168 opened by Kyle-Kyle - 6
- 1
Implement pre/post hooks on `target remote`
#1150 opened by hugsy - 2
the promp "Make breakpoint pending on future shared library load? (y or [n]) y" didn't show
#1157 opened by fadhil-riyanto - 0
[CI] Add extended testing on different distros
#1152 opened by hugsy - 2
Coredumps do not have stack exposed to GEF
#1154 opened by hugsy - 1
Duplicate panes in `context.layout`
#1145 opened by hugsy - 15
Possible GEF `dereference` issue with `gef-remote`
#1080 opened by hyjun0407 - 2
General Maintenance
#1125 opened by hugsy - 7
Add support for registers in `target remote` post hook
#1131 opened by Legoclones - 1
- 0
Revisit `target remote`
#1149 opened by hugsy - 3
TriCore support
#1144 opened by HainLuud - 1
[Bug] ksymaddr unimplemented?
#1140 opened by k4lizen - 2
[Bug] tmux-setup but no highlight
#1142 opened by wangrongwei - 6
[Bug] read_cstring length can be set so that it reads into an unmapped region
#1055 opened by Grazfather - 0
Move GEF to Python 3.10 baseline
#1132 opened by hugsy - 2
[Bug] Non printable chars near colored text!
#1138 opened by blue-devil - 0
variable name causes problems
#1123 opened by Len101218 - 1
can i only print selected thread in ctx?
#1129 opened by acgmusic - 4
gef for windows
#1072 opened by guard-wait - 6
Question about pyenv
#1062 opened by samas69420 - 2
Alpine dependencies
#1105 opened by nnewram - 10
- 0
[Docs] Add `pre-commit` documentation
#1063 opened by hugsy - 2
The Gef Frame Is small
#1077 opened by SefeinSaeed - 1
[Bug] vmmap command 'offset' column actually shows size
#1096 opened by mjklbhvg - 5
- 1
- 0
[Bug] GEF supports Python 3.6+ but uses f-string debugging only introduced in Python 3.8+, breaking compatibility
#1091 opened by Unactived - 1
Add support for LLDB
#1088 opened by ValekoZ - 5
[Bug] AssertionError
#1078 opened by Green360 - 4
how to show filename:lineNumber in trace view ?
#1033 opened by baiwfg2 - 6
any possible to add vmmap to show kernel memory in qemu?
#1038 opened by bb33bb - 3
[Bug] Weird memory mapping with rr replay
#1044 opened by Manouchehri - 5
bp_prefix not set on breakpoints declared with function name instead of hex_address (
#1039 opened by Angelo942 - 5
[Bug] Missing update of local `/proc/{pid}/maps` in remote session when new shared library is loaded
#1057 opened by MrNbaYoh - 1
sth. about function and UI
#1067 opened by jay-xjh - 2
[Bug] cant open under ubuntu 16.0.4 python 3.6
#1060 opened by dhe090 - 5
[Bug] pyenv site_packages_dir assertion fails when setting multiple python versions in pyenv
#1048 opened by Apeng7364 - 3
- 2
[Bug] vmmap command not showing memory regions of QEMU emulated x86-64 binary
#1036 opened by avncharlie - 2
display ascii char with x/c command
#1018 opened by samas69420 - 1
Permission Error while loading gef in GDB
#1016 opened by shubhamsonani - 1
how to use gef-remote command when debuging by gdb-multiarch, and target is localhost:1234
#1014 opened by bb33bb