UFR Blois Development Web

Tuto video sur l'utilisation de la VM -> https://www.loom.com/share/378cb391867f4e57a3223aa751285673 Tuto vidéo sur l'utilisation de la VM (avec postman, l'application rails, ...) -> https://www.loom.com/share/b16e7687fd8647b2ad6dfea22285ebec

Play with Ruby online

TD Setup

  1. Launch the Developer VM (E:\apps)
  2. Launch a Terminal
  3. Launch irb
  4. Download the TD PDF

Access Internet in the VM at the university

  • in irb: ENV['http_proxy'] = "http://proxy:3128"
  • OR
  • in terminal: export http_proxy="http://proxy:3128"

Install and use the Developer WM at home

  1. Download and Install VirtualBox AND Oracle VM VirtualBox Extension Pack -> https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads
  2. Download the VM -> https://www.dropbox.com/s/dhm72a4yar20xi3/dev.ova.zip?dl=0
  3. Extract VM (.zip)
  4. In Virtual Box, Machine > Add, CentOS 8 - Blois.vbx
  5. Launch the Virtual Machine with
    1. In the Virtual Machine, disable the proxy
      1. Navigate in the menu System > Preferences > Internet and Network > Network Proxy
      2. Disable the proxy by selecting "Direct Internet Connection"
      3. Remove any http_proxy env
        1. unset http_proxy
        2. unset https_proxy
        3. unset HTTP_PROXY
        4. unset HTTPS_PROXY

Messenger App
