
Primary LanguagePython

Implementation of adaptive feature fusion network (AFFN)


This repository includes the following three python scripts:

  • run.py : AFFN test code for the following datasets: cora, citeseer, pubmed, amazon co-purchase, coauthor.
  • run_arxiv.py : AFFN test code for the ogbn-arxiv dataset.
  • logger.py : Utils for logging outputs.


  • Python >= 3.5.0

  • Pyorch >= 1.5.0

  • DGL >= 0.4.0. To install DGL, run pip install dgl .

  • For CUDA builds, require CUDA >= 9.0. To install DGL with CUDA, run pip install dgl-${CUDA} , replace ${CUDA} with your CUDA version, i.e. cu90 , cu92 , cu100 or cu101

Training & Evaluation

# Run with default config
python run.py
python run_arxiv.py

# Run with custom config
python run.py --runs=5 --epochs=200 --hidden_channels=256 --dataset=amazon-computers --model=AFFN
python run_arxiv.py --hidden_channels=256 --dropout=0.65 --lr=1e-3 --wd=5e-4 --model=GCN
Args list:
args type meaning default
--device int GPU device number 0
--hidden_channels int Number of nodes in hidden layers 256
--dropout float Dropout rate in dropout layer 0.5
--lr float Learning rate 0.01
--wd float L2 regularization coefficient 0
--epochs int Number of epochs in each run 500
--runs int Number of runs with current parameters 10
--dataset * string: {cora, pubmed, citeseer, amazon-computers, amazon-photo, coauthor-cs, coauthor-physics} Which dataset to use cora
--model string: {AFFN, GCN, SAGE, GAT} Which model to use AFFN

*Script run_arxiv.py has NO arg --dataset .

Note: when running for the first time, it will take sometime to download the corresponding dataset automatically.