IOTA Identity Javascript Workshop

This workshop shows the usage of the IOTA Identity library.

It uses NodeJS and the WASM binding of

The WASM (WebAssembly) are packed into an npm module and can be installed via npm or yarn and runs in NodeJS and in the Browser.

Run examples

To run the examples, be sure you already have installed nodejs, clone the repo and run the code!

git clone
cd iota-identity-js-workshop
npm install
node src/01_hello_world.js

Create DID and DID Document

This example shows you, how to create a keypair, a DID and a DID Document

node src/02_create_did_and_doc.js

Publish a DID Document to the tangle

Here you will sign the DID Document with your key and publish it to the Tangle.

node src/03_publish_to_tangle.js

Fetch a DID Document

This example fetches a published DID Document by the given DID. In this example, we use Alice DID did:iota:main:Em2GPqpBiHQkpC7MKai8mTGbzNE2DmNSuKUcbmypoqn6 and we can verify the DID Document.

node src/04_fetch_and_verify.js

If this example DID not works, please use your published DID from the example above.