
Creates a Neo4j graph of Wikipedia links.

Primary LanguageJava


A set of tools for creating a graph database of Wikipedia pages and the links between them.

Importing Data

The graphipedia-dataimport module allows to create a Neo4j database from a Wikipedia database dump.

See Wikipedia:Database_download for instructions on getting a Wikipedia database dump.

Assuming you downloaded pages-articles.xml.bz2 and uncompressed it, follow these steps:

  1. ExtractLinks: create a smaller intermediate XML file containing page titles and links only

    java -classpath graphipedia-dataimport.jar org.graphipedia.dataimport.ExtractLinks enwiki-latest-pages-articles.xml enwiki-links.xml

  2. ImportGraph: create a Neo4j database with nodes and relationships into a graphdb directory

    java -Xmx3G -classpath graphipedia-dataimport.jar org.graphipedia.dataimport.neo4j.ImportGraph enwiki-links.xml graphdb

The English wiki downloaded end Dec 2011 was 34G uncompressed and resulted in over 9M pages and 82M links being created, taking about 13 and 25 minutes on my laptop.

-- Mirko Nasato