
Python scripts for capturing and merging HDR images on the Raspberry Pi and stringing them into a timelapse.

Primary LanguagePython


Python scripts for capturing and merging HDR images on the Raspberry Pi and stringing them into a timelapse.


You'll need picamera (git source) for managing the camera, enblend/enfuse to generate the HDR images and avconv to generate the movie from the images.

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python-picamera enblend libav-tools

Then grab these files;

git clone https://github.com/KEClaytor/pi-hdr-timelapse.git

You should be good to go! Edit the first few lines of runhdrpi.py to your liking (exposure steps, time lapse steps) and go;

nano runhdrpi.py
python runhdrpi.py

Scheduled Run

You can also schedule timelapse images with cron (eg. for morning / afternoon timelapse). Make sure that the first line of runhdrpi.py points to your python install. Then just add the following line to your crontab (run crontab -e):

0 5,20 * * * /home/pi/path-to-script/runhdrpi.py >> /home/pi/path-to-log/runhdrpi.log

The above will run the script at 5 AM and 8 PM every day.

Note: It seems as though the pi's cron is a bit pecular about time zones. For instance, it should use the local time, however, I find mine only uses UTC (it seems like others have this problem too). So you may have to make allowances for that.