
An admin webui for Sensu

Primary LanguageRuby

Sensu Admin

Sensu-admin is a web application to interface with the sensu-api, it displays events and clients and can silence events etc.

Getting Started

rake db:migrate rake db:seed


  • Make silencing available from events table

  • Auto-Refresh events table

  • Bring in filter from sensu-dashboard

  • Coloring for events table

  • Audit logging

  • Settings for api, rabbitmq, etc

  • RabbitMQ dashboard, health of everything

  • Sort events by error status (crit, warn, etc)

  • Clients has modal window for client attributes

  • Checks page w/ expansion

  • Get popup_info data content from ajax instead of trying to set it

  • Get silencing info from ajax instead of trying to set it