
Sadajura | Capital One 2015 SmallBizDev Hackathon San Francisco: Sadajura is an online social community service for inbound travelers to bring back gifts from abroad to their friends in the United States of America.

Primary LanguageJava

Sadajura | Capital One 2015 SmallBizDev Hackathon San Francisco

Team: Rauhmel Fox, Ibrahim Kabil, Michael Huh, Ssurey Moon, Jeeeun Lee, Kibo Sim, Yuichi Shiga, Heaweon Lee, Missy Bur

Platform: Android, iOS, Web




Event: Capital One 2015 SmallBizDev Hackathon San Francisco

Event Time: Saturday, August 1, 2015 at 8:00 AM - Sunday, August 2, 2015 at 3:00 PM

Hackathon.io: http://www.hackathon.io/sadajura

Website: http://www.sadajura.co/


Sadajura is an online social community service for inbound travelers to bring back gifts from abroad to their friends in the United States of America. Non-resident foreign nationals are allowed up to $100 worth of merchandise, free of duty and internal revenue tax, as gifts for other people. To claim this exemption, inbound travelers must remain in the United States of America for at least 72 hours, and the gifts must accompany the person. Gifts can be consolidated in the same package if they are individually wrapped, each gift is labeled with the recipient's name, and the value of each gift does not exceed $100. This $100 gift exemption, or any part of it, can be claimed only once every six months.

With Sadajura, people could request duty-free items from friends and relatives without having to worry about whether a certain item will go over the duty-free limit. Sadajura was developed for the Capital One 2015 SmallBizDev Hackathon San Francisco and is available for both web and mobile platforms, including Android and iOS users. Sadajura uses Parse for cloud database access, push notification services, and analytics tracking.

Mobile & Backend

The Sadajura GitHub repositories for the iOS version and web payment backend are available here:

Web Backend: https://github.com/SsureyMoon/sadajura_payment

iOS Version: https://github.com/yshiga/sadajura-iOS