
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Long Practice: Express/Sequelize In The Real World

A common purpose for an application is to answer one or more questions for a business. Along the way, the application's users will manage the data needed to answer those question(s).

In this project, you will help the development team to complete various features using Sequelize in an Express application. At this time, only an API is required, so all of the routes will return JSON responses.

About this application

Welcome to the team! Thank you for assisting with the API development to help the customer answer their burning question:

What order do I need to place for school supplies this year?

The application designers have determined that we can answer this question from the list of supplies needed for each classroom, and the students assigned to that classroom. The challenge is that the supplies and student assignments change up to the last moment before the order is placed. (In fact, the needs change after, and the customer has agreed to handle these cases outside of this application.)

A small amount of progress has been made so far

  • Sequelize models and migrations are in place for the database
  • Seeders were created for seed data to use during the development phase
  • Express application runs with basic routes for CRUD operations

Review this diagram to understand the database structure.


Getting started

Download the starter. cd into server folder, and install dependencies using npm install.

Create a server/.env file in order to store environment variables. Add a variable DB_FILE (which is already in use in server/config/database.js). You can model the .env file after .env.example, specifying the location of the database to be created.

Notice that the starter includes server/.sequelizerc and server/config/database.js, as well as migrations, models, and seeders in the server/db folder.

Migrations and seeders

Run the appropriate migrate command using the Sequelize CLI to create the database and the table(s) specified in the existing migrations.

Remember: You'll need dotenv before npx in order to set the environment variable for the database file location.

Verify that the db/dev.db file was created. If you encounter any errors or do not see this file, go back and check that your .env file has been accurately set up.

Verify the tables exist by checking its schema using the SQLite3 CLI.

Run the appropriate seed command using the Sequelize CLI.

Verify the tables have the seeded data using the SQLite3 CLI.

Run the application

Start the Express server in development mode using

npm run dev

In your browser, load the root path: http://localhost:8000/

If all is working correctly, you should see {"message":"API server is running"}.

In your browser, add counts to the path: http://localhost:8000/counts

This is a special API to verify how many records are in the database. If all is working correctly, you should see the following structure with these numbers:

  "classroomCount": 22,
  "studentCount": 267,
  "supplyCount": 363


This project has been broken down into phases. Complete as much as you can in the time allotted. You can complete any remaining phases for additional practice during assessment prep.

If you get stuck, try moving on to the next phase for now, then come back later in the project to complete or improve your code. Also, you can formulate good questions, and reach out to your instructors for help.

  • Basic Phase 1: Order Query Results
    • GET /students
    • GET /classrooms
    • GET /supplies/category/:categoryName
  • Basic Phase 2: Pagination
    • GET /students
  • Basic Phase 3: Aggregation with Pagination
    • GET /students
  • Basic Phase 4: Search Filters
    • GET /students
  • Basic Phase 5: Aggregation
    • GET /classrooms/:id
  • Intermediate Phase 6: Search Filters
    • GET /classrooms
  • Intermediate Phase 7: Order Query Results by Association
    • GET /classrooms/:id
  • Advanced Phase 8: Order Query Results by Association
    • GET /supplies/category/:categoryName
    • GET /students
  • Advanced Phase 9: Aggregation
    • GET /classrooms
  • Advanced Phase 10: To Aggregate or Not to Aggregate
    • GET /supplies/scissors/calculate
  • Advanced Phase 11: Pagination Middleware


You may refer to your previous work, the Sequelize documentation, the documentation for Sequelize CLI, or online resources to assist you in completing this practice.

Good luck! You can do it!!!