
Skeleton for building django projects.

Primary LanguagePython

{% comment "This comment section will be deleted in the generated project" %}


django-project-skeleton is a skeleton for Django projects. It provides a directory structure for Django projects during different environments.


  • applications - contains subfolders with specific functionality;
  • configs - stores all configuration related scripts (newrelic, gunicorn, nginx, celery, mongdb, redis, etc);
  • static - contains js, css, images, types/fonts
  • templates - all your html files
  • media - contains all upload files
  • scripts - contains all scripts which used by support by runscript of django-extensions

Sample structure


To use this repository just use the template option of django-admin.

$ django-admin startproject --template=https://github.com/huifenqi/django-project-skeleton/archive/master.zip --extension=md,tpl [project_name]

To create new app: python manage.py startapp [app_name] applications/[app_name] --settings=[project_name].settings.development

For different environments: export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE="[project_name].settings.production"

Django materials need to read

  1. https://github.com/rosarior/awesome-django
  2. https://www.fullstackpython.com/django.html
  3. https://www.quora.com/What-are-some-best-practices-for-Django-development

{% endcomment %}

{{ project_name }}

This project has the following basic applications:

  • App1 (short desc)
  • App2 (short desc)
  • App3 (short desc)


To set up a development environment quickly, install Python 2.x first. It comes with virtualenv built-in. so create a virtual environment with:

virtualenv env

source env/bin/activate

Install dependencies:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Run server:

python manage.py runserver --settings={{ project_name }}.settings.dev