
The main app that runs for now is the angular-tour-of-heroes app. It is an deeper flavor of the standard Tour of Heroes example available on It uses Angular 4, and includes examples of CSS stylings using Bootstrap 3.3.7. The main important difference in this example app is the use of @ngrx/store to present a standardized and centralized data model to every component.

If you have a main component that calls many subcomponents, and all the subcomponents render views of a collection of data (such as a list of heroes), then you will appreciate the use of @ngrx/store to keep all the views consistent. A good read touching on this issue can be found here.

To run this, I assume you already have Node.js and npm installed. Just clone this project:

git clone;

Then, change the directory:

cd angular-sandbox/angular-tour-of-heroes;

And install the dependencies:

npm install;

Then simply start the app:

npm start;