
YOLO Tutorial

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Real-time General Object Detection

English | 简体中文


  • We recommend you to use Anaconda to create a conda environment:
conda create -n rtcdet python=3.6
  • Then, activate the environment:
conda activate rtcdet
  • Requirements:
pip install -r requirements.txt 

My environment:

  • PyTorch = 1.9.1
  • Torchvision = 0.10.1

At least, please make sure your torch is version 1.x.



  • Download VOC.
cd <RT-ODLab>
cd dataset/scripts/
sh VOC2007.sh
sh VOC2012.sh
  • Check VOC
cd <RT-ODLab>
python dataset/voc.py
  • Train on VOC

For example:

python train.py --cuda -d voc --root path/to/VOCdevkit -m yolov1 -bs 16 --max_epoch 150 --wp_epoch 1 --eval_epoch 10 --fp16 --ema --multi_scale


  • Download COCO.
cd <RT-ODLab>
cd dataset/scripts/
sh COCO2017.sh
  • Check COCO
cd <RT-ODLab>
python dataset/coco.py
  • Train on COCO

For example:

python train.py --cuda -d coco --root path/to/COCO -m yolov1 -bs 16 --max_epoch 150 --wp_epoch 1 --eval_epoch 10 --fp16 --ema --multi_scale


Single GPU

sh train_single_gpu.sh

You can change the configurations of train_single_gpu.sh, according to your own situation.

You also can add --vis_tgt to check the images and targets during the training stage. For example:

python train.py --cuda -d coco --root path/to/coco -m yolov1 --vis_tgt

Multi GPUs

sh train_multi_gpus.sh

You can change the configurations of train_multi_gpus.sh, according to your own situation.

In the event of a training interruption, you can pass --resume the latest training weight path (None by default) to resume training. For example:

python train.py \
        --cuda \
        -d coco \
        -m yolov1 \
        -bs 16 \
        --max_epoch 300 \
        --wp_epoch 3 \
        --eval_epoch 10 \
        --ema \
        --fp16 \
        --resume weights/coco/yolov1/yolov1_epoch_151_39.24.pth

Then, training will continue from 151 epoch.


python test.py -d coco \
               --cuda \
               -m yolov1 \
               --img_size 640 \
               --weight path/to/weight \
               --root path/to/dataset/ \

For YOLOv7, since it uses the RepConv in PaFPN, you can add --fuse_repconv to fuse the RepConv block.

python test.py -d coco \
               --cuda \
               -m yolov7_large \
               --fuse_repconv \
               --img_size 640 \
               --weight path/to/weight \
               --root path/to/dataset/ \


python eval.py -d coco-val \
               --cuda \
               -m yolov1 \
               --img_size 640 \
               --weight path/to/weight \
               --root path/to/dataset/ \


I have provide some images in data/demo/images/, so you can run following command to run a demo:

python demo.py --mode image \
               --path_to_img data/demo/images/ \
               --cuda \
               --img_size 640 \
               -m yolov2 \
               --weight path/to/weight \

If you want run a demo of streaming video detection, you need to set --mode to video, and give the path to video --path_to_vid

python demo.py --mode video \
               --path_to_vid data/demo/videos/your_video \
               --cuda \
               --img_size 640 \
               -m yolov2 \
               --weight path/to/weight \
               --show \

If you want run video detection with your camera, you need to set --mode to camera

python demo.py --mode camera \
               --cuda \
               --img_size 640 \
               -m yolov2 \
               --weight path/to/weight \
               --show \

Detection visualization

  • Detector: YOLOv2


python demo.py --mode video \
                --path_to_vid ./dataset/demo/videos/000006.mp4 \
               --cuda \
               --img_size 640 \
               -m yolov2 \
               --weight path/to/weight \
               --show \




Our project also supports multi-object tracking tasks. We use the YOLO of this project as the detector, following the "tracking-by-detection" framework, and use the simple and efficient ByteTrack as the tracker.

  • images tracking
python track.py --mode image \
                --path_to_img path/to/images/ \
                --cuda \
                -size 640 \
                -dt yolov2 \
                -tk byte_tracker \
                --weight path/to/coco_pretrained/ \
                --show \
  • video tracking
python track.py --mode video \
                --path_to_img path/to/video/ \
                --cuda \
                -size 640 \
                -dt yolov2 \
                -tk byte_tracker \
                --weight path/to/coco_pretrained/ \
                --show \
  • camera tracking
python track.py --mode camera \
                --cuda \
                -size 640 \
                -dt yolov2 \
                -tk byte_tracker \
                --weight path/to/coco_pretrained/ \
                --show \

Tracking visualization

  • Detector: YOLOv2
  • Tracker: ByteTracker
  • Device: i5-12500H CPU


python track.py --mode video \
                --path_to_img ./dataset/demo/videos/000006.mp4 \
                -size 640 \
                -dt yolov2 \
                -tk byte_tracker \
                --weight path/to/coco_pretrained/ \
                --show \



Train on custom dataset

Besides the popular datasets, we can also train the model on ourself dataset. To achieve this goal, you should follow these steps:

  • Step-1: Prepare the images (JPG/JPEG/PNG ...) and use labelimg to make XML format annotation files.
|_ train
|  |_ images     
|     |_ 0.jpg
|     |_ 1.jpg
|     |_ ...
|  |_ annotations
|     |_ 0.xml
|     |_ 1.xml
|     |_ ...
|_ val
|  |_ images     
|     |_ 0.jpg
|     |_ 1.jpg
|     |_ ...
|  |_ annotations
|     |_ 0.xml
|     |_ 1.xml
|     |_ ...
|  ...
  • Step-2: Convert ourdataset to COCO format.
cd <PyTorch_YOLO_Tutorial_HOME>
cd tools
# convert train split
python convert_ours_to_coco.py --root path/to/dataset/ --split train
# convert val split
python convert_ours_to_coco.py --root path/to/dataset/ --split val

Then, we can get a train.json file and a val.json file, as shown below.

|_ train
|  |_ images     
|     |_ 0.jpg
|     |_ 1.jpg
|     |_ ...
|  |_ annotations
|     |_ 0.xml
|     |_ 1.xml
|     |_ ...
|     |_ train.json
|_ val
|  |_ images     
|     |_ 0.jpg
|     |_ 1.jpg
|     |_ ...
|  |_ annotations
|     |_ 0.xml
|     |_ 1.xml
|     |_ ...
|     |_ val.json
|  ...
  • Step-3 Define our class labels.

Please open dataset/ourdataset.py file and change our_class_labels = ('cat',) according to our definition of categories.

  • Step-4 Check
cd <PyTorch_YOLO_Tutorial_HOME>
cd dataset
# convert train split
python ourdataset.py --root path/to/dataset/ --split train
# convert val split
python ourdataset.py --root path/to/dataset/ --split val
  • Step-5 Train

For example:

cd <PyTorch_YOLO_Tutorial_HOME>
python train.py --root path/to/dataset/ -d ourdataset -m yolov1 -bs 16 --max_epoch 100 --wp_epoch 1 --eval_epoch 5 -p path/to/yolov1_coco.pth
  • Step-6 Test

For example:

cd <PyTorch_YOLO_Tutorial_HOME>
python test.py --root path/to/dataset/ -d ourdataset -m yolov1 --weight path/to/checkpoint --show
  • Step-7 Eval

For example:

cd <PyTorch_YOLO_Tutorial_HOME>
python eval.py --root path/to/dataset/ -d ourdataset -m yolov1 --weight path/to/checkpoint


  1. ONNX export and an ONNXRuntime