
File manager written in awk

Primary LanguageAwkGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


File manager written in awk




  • cd on exit: cd $(command fm.awk)
  • last path: export LASTPATH="$HOME/.cache/lastpath"; cd $(cat -u $LASTPATH) && $TERMINAL -e fm.awk

Key bindings

	[num] - move cursor to entry [num]
	[num]+G - Go to page [num]

	k/↑ - up                      j/↓ - down
	l/→ - right                   h/← - left
	Ctrl-f - Half Page Down       Ctrl-u - Half Page Up
	n/PageDown - PageDown         p/PageUp - PageUp
	g/Home - first page           G/End - last page
	H - first entry               L - last entry
	M - middle entry

	/ - search
	: - commandline mode
	    commandline mode special function:
	        {}: represent selected files/directories
	        tab completion on path: start with ' /', use tab to complete on that path
	        tab completion on cmd: completion based on command history
	            ><: enter selecting mode for directory (choose ./ to confirm destination)

	␣ - bulk (de-)selection       S - bulk (de-)selection all
	s - show selected

	v - toggle preview
	> - more directory ratio      < - less directory ratio

	r - refresh                   q - quit
	- - previous directory        ! - spawn shell
	. - toggle hidden             ? - show keybinds
	o - local history             O - all history


  • Bulk selection
  • Bulk selection all
  • Directory / File preview
  • Command line mode

Try to use those file manipulation function with cmd mode


edit fm.awk, modify the first configuration section:

    #  Configuration  #

    OPENER = ( ENVIRON["FMAWK_OPENER"] == "" ? ( ENVIRON["OSTYPE"] ~ /darwin.*/ ? "open" : "xdg-open" ) : ENVIRON["FMAWK_OPENER"] )
    LASTPATH = ( ENVIRON["LASTPATH"] == "" ? ( ENVIRON["HOME"] "/.cache/lastpath" ) : ENVIRON["LASTPATH"] )
    HISTORY = ( ENVIRON["HISTORY"] == "" ? ( ENVIRON["HOME"] "/.cache/history" ) : ENVIRON["HISTORY"] )
    CMDHIST = ( ENVIRON["CMDHIST"] == "" ? ( ENVIRON["HOME"] "/.cache/cmdhist" ) : ENVIRON["CMDHIST"] )
    CACHE = ( ENVIRON["CACHE"] == "" ? ( ENVIRON["HOME"] "/.cache/imagecache" ) : ENVIRON["CACHE"] )
    PREVIEW = 0
    HIDDEN = 0
    RATIO = 0.35
    HIST_MAX = 5000
    SUBSEP = ","
  • OPENER is the default file opener. External opener script can be set by environmental variable FMAWK_OPENER.
  • LASTPATH is path which fm.awk were last time.
  • HISTORY is the history for directory visited.
  • CMDHIST is the command line history, which only the unique command will be left.
  • CACHE is the cache file path for image file generated by preview.
  • FIFO_UEBERZUG and FMAWK_PREVIEWER will be automatically set by shell wrapper fmawk.
  • PREVIEW is indicator for review or not, boolean.
  • RATIO is the ratio for directory / preview.
  • HIST_MAX is the maximum number of HISTORY.

cmd mode

  • all auto completed command can be edited using left/right arrow and backspace.
  • :cd /path/to/destination
    • can be relative: :cd ../../ goes to parents two tiers
  • :cmd on each selected item.
    • e.g., After selection, :chmod +x to give execution permission on selected entries.
  • :cmd {} destination to replace {} with each selected item and execute the whole command.
    • e.g., After selection, :mv {} ~ will move selected item to $HOME directory.
  • File manipulation is done by this process:
    • Select file/dir => go to destination by browsing => type :cmd {} ./ to execute cmd on selected file to destination
    • e.g. select files, go to destination and type :mv {} ./.
  • cmd can be shell alias (bash and zsh confirmed. fish not sure).
  • tab completion on :cd and search (/)
  • tab completion on path:
    • press tab or shift-tab for path completion => press Enter to confirm current completion, and go the either of the following two path:
      • => press tab / shift-tab for next-level path completion.
      • => press Enter again to confirm current path and exit cmd mode.
  • tab completion on command line mode based on command line history.
  • left / right arrow to move cursor; up / down arrow to access command line history.


scripts stores the shell scripts that serve some purposes that I think is better to be done externally. They are

  • decompressall: go through all compression files in current directory and decompress all of them.
  • renameall: rename all files and directories in current directory. The list of all files/directories will open in default text editor using xdg-open files/directories will be renamed line by line.


  • Image preview (start using ueberzug)
  • Make preview script be independent
  • Able to redraw by SIGWINCH.
  • Tab completion on path
  • Make cmd bottom line can be scrollable horizontally even when the string is over the dimension
  • Eliminate action menu by implementing all of those in cmd mode