A web-based dashboard for the autonomous vehicle via rosbridge_suite & nodejs.
Ensure that the following is installed before running the dashboard:
Ensure that the ROS Stack is installed, tutorial on ROS installation could be found here.
Server Implementations of the rosbridge: rosbridge_suite
Install the package via apt:
$ sudo apt install sudo apt install ros-melodic-rosbridge-suite
To run the server, ensure that nodejs is installed. (Using version Node.js v13.x)
# Using Ubuntu
$ curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_13.x | sudo -E bash -
$ sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
[Source: NodeSource Node.js Binary Distributions]
A Bash script has been written to run the dashboard. To do so, chmod runserver first:
$ chmod 755 runserver
Then excecute the script:
$ ./runserver
To publish dummy topics, use:
$ rostopic pub /spd std_msgs/Int8 10
$ rostopic pub /tgoal std_msgs/Float64 10