
Different pin configuration

laemen opened this issue · 4 comments

I use a D1 mini V4 esp8266 which has a different pin name. I used a manual config before, but switched to the automated version, now I am looking to where this config needs to go. Some is already there like id, but added just for reference. Looking for the pin definition and possibly the update interval.

board: d1_mini


  • platform: pulse_counter
    pin: GPIO2 # D2
    id: watermeter_pulse
    name: "watermeter pulse"
    state_class: measurement
    update_interval: 5s
    accuracy_decimals: 1
    unit_of_measurement: "l/min"
    icon: "mdi:water-pump"

Hello @laemen

esp8266 wemos d1 mini v4.
Does not have a 5v output at the same point as the v1 of the wemos d1 mini.
And u have 5v needed for the npn sensor.

When u change the update interval u must change everywhere, for the good counting.
Do u have Discord ?

Yes I’m on discord, but I solved it by changing the hw to GPIO4 which is the D2 pin.
The GPIO2 I used (=D4) also has the led connected, so I could visually see if the esp had proper input, but according to randomnerdtutorials the D4 pulled low could cause a failed boot.
For future reference having certain settings configurable through substitutions could help, but for now it’s solved.
S0tools is really easy, thanks for developing it!

kanuva commented

I was actually wondering if we can change the pinout in a more simple way?
The reason being is pin D2 (gpio4) is also used for part of the communication pins for I2c and I have a Wemos DHT12 shield laying around which I wanted to use. This shield uses I2c and I can't change the i2c pins because it's a shield made for the wemos d1 mini.

So what I've done right now is copied the git code and pasted into my own (public) github repo and altered the code a bit so now it uses d3 (gpio0). For now I'm only using my own repo to assigning the correct pin for the watermeter. But this feels a bit obsolete. Isn't there an easier way to do this?

Hello kanuva,

Saidly i can not change it afterwards.
As i now of.

And i made a pcb design, with i send to people in Holland and Belgian.
And that one is also using the d2 and d5 ports.

The only way is what u already did. To fork it and change the Pinout.