
Automatically get Genshin Impact daily check-in rewards from HoYoLAB Community by GitHub Actions.

Primary LanguagePython

Genshin Impact Check-In Helper

Daily Check-In

Original Repository (defunct)

TakaGG fork

Napkatti fork

Running Locally

Check out napkatti fork on setting variables and running locally napkatti fork


Broken Down Instructions

Click button at bottom for next step


You will need to install Git and Heroku if you wish to use Heroku for the login helper.

Git Downloads

Heroku Signup

Heroku CLI

Follow the instructions and sign into Heroku after installing the CLI from either command prompt or terminal whichever you use.

A GitHub account is not required/needed to clone this repo, you only need a Heroku account.

You need a credit card for the heroku-scheduler portion, don't worry they will not charge you (this is just to prevent abuse). You can use a prepaid credit card or similar for this if you don't want to use your actual card.


1. Clone this branch

This will create a new folder genshin-impact-helper in the working directory path you executed the command, when you first open command prompt it'll usually take you to C:\Users\YOUR-NAME, you can type start . in command prompt to see where it will be cloned.

git clone https://github.com/am-steph/genshin-impact-helper.git

Do not close the command prompt, keep it open

2. Create a Heroku App

Heroku Dashboard

You can either create a app from your Heroku dashboard or just run heroku create

If you use heroku create, it will make a random app name (e.g. alphine-15735)

3. Follow instructions in app dashboard to deploy your code to Heroku

This is a repeat of the instructions in the image above for copy and pasting/clarification

Login to Heroku if you haven't already. It should bring up a webpage to login.

heroku login

Navigate to your project folder, because we cloned this repo we enter cd genshin-impact-helper

cd genshin-impact-helper

git init

heroku git:remote -a YOUR-APP-NAME-HERE  #replace YOUR-APP-NAME-HERE with the app name of your heroku application 
git add .

git commit -am "initial commit"

git push heroku master

This is roughly what it should look like and the expected output when you enter in the commands.

If for some magical reason it fails to push, try git push heroku HEAD:master (Thanks to doraemon#9784 for finding this)

4. Next we need to grab our cookie

To get your cookie go to the Daily Check-In event website https://webstatic-sea.mihoyo.com/ys/event/signin-sea/index.html?act_id=e202102251931481&lang=en-us

Log in with your MiHoYo/Genshin Impact account.
If you have never checked in before, manually check in once to ensure that your cookies are set properly.

Open the developer tools on your web browser (F12 on firefox/chrome)

Click on the "Console" tab

Type in document.cookie in the console

5. Copy the text output from the console

If you are getting list index out of range

Don't copy the quotation marks

Value should look like: login_ticket=xxx; account_id=696969; cookie_token=xxxxx; ltoken=xxxx; ltuid=696969; mi18nLang=en-us; _MHYUUID=xxx

The semi-colons seperate the values (e.g. login_ticket= and account_id= are different values), the order these values are in doesn't matter, it can start with login_ticket or it could start with ltoken, but make sure you have every value listed above.

6. Next we need to set up environment variables, navigate to settings and click Reveal Config Vars

Go to Google and type 'what is my user agent' and copy your user agent

Enter USER_AGENT in KEY and your user agent you copied in VALUE and click Add.

7. Enter OS_COOKIE in KEY and paste in your copied cookie in VALUE

Your token should look like this

1. Paste your first cookie into the Value box on Heroku, but do not click "Add" yet.
2. Open a new private browsing / Incognito window
3. Go to the MiHoYo event website on your new browser instance, and log in with your second account
4. Copy the `document.cookie` as before
5. Go back to the Heroku page, and type a hash `#` at the end of your first cookie
6. Paste your second cookie immediately after the `#` and remove the quotation marks "" if needed
7. Click "Add"

You can always click the pencil icon later on to edit your OS_COOKIE value if you want to add another account

If you wish to add a Discord webhook to receive notifications when the login helper runs, you can add another key value DISCORD_WEBHOOK. Look at the end of the page to see where you can get your webhook.

  1. Go to Resources tab and add the Heroku Scheduler add-on, don't worry this is free

  1. Create a new job, set it to run everyday at the time you wish (time is in UTC)

For the command, put python run.py

If you want to test to see if your script will run go back to your command window and type heroku run bash. After you are loaded in, type python run.py and check.

There is a random sleep time inserted in the script, if it says sleeping for x amount of time just wait it out.

If you no longer want to check in automatically, you can disable/delete the scheduler

Discord Webhooks

This is an OPTIONAL step to let the script send you a notification on Discord whenever it runs a check-in.

  1. Edit channel settings. (Create your own discord server or private channel for this)
  2. Go into Integrations and view webhooks.
  3. Create a new webhook and copy the URL.
  4. Go back to the "Settings" tab on the app and add a new KEY called DISCORD_WEBHOOK and paste in the URL.

To stop receiving Discord notifications, delete your DISCORD_WEBHOOK secret.