Project Stack Example

This project is an example of how to setup a stack containing a database and an server application.
The stack is comprised PostgreSQL for the database, and a Axum application.

Setting Up and Running

When running locally, fill-in the .env file, the POSTGRES_PASSWORD is the password that Postgres will use, the ALPHA_VANTAGE_API_KEY is the key that will be used to make requests to the AlphaVantage Stock API, a free key can be requested here. An example of .env is available as .env.example. POSTGRES_HOST, POSTGRES_USER, and POSTGRES_DBNAME are exposed for further customization, but the default value of postgres can be used.

Example of how the .env should look like, this values are for example purposes only:


Install Docker on your system. With Docker installed, run the following command to build and run the stack:

docker compose up

After the stack is up and running, it should be possible to check the status of the containers using docker ps -a. The output should look something like:

$> docker ps -a
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                         COMMAND                  CREATED         STATUS         PORTS                    NAMES
0649225aff88   rust_stack_example-api        "financial_data"         7 minutes ago   Up 7 seconds>8000/tcp   rust_stack_example-api-1
6323931677a2   postgres:alpine               "docker-entrypoint.s…"   4 days ago      Up 7 seconds   5432/tcp                 rust_stack_example-postgres-1


On startup the table on the database is created. A background task that runs daily is also started to upsert the values of the daily times series.


The logging level of the application can be set by adding RUST_LOG=<LEVEL> on the docker-compose.yml, in the environment section of the api service.


The API exposes 2 endpoints: financial_data and statistics.


Recovers the symbol (name of the equity), date, open_price, close_price and volume.


  • symbol: (Optional) Name of equity to recover data from.
  • start_date: (Optional) Filters dates that are earlier than this.
  • end_date: (Optional) Filters dates that are later than this.
  • limit: (Optional, Default=5) Limit the number of items in the response.
  • page: (Optional, Default=1) Get the page of number page for results that go over the limit.


Note: An empty response might mean that the dates are too old for when you are


Recovers the symbol (name of the equity), start_date, end_date, average_daily_open_price, average_daily_close_price and average_daily_volume.


  • symbol: Name of equity to recover data from.
  • start_date: Filters dates that are earlier than this.
  • end_date: Filters dates that are later than this.


Note: An empty response might mean that the dates are too old for when you are


For local development, the use of .env to set the enviroment variables of the docker compose is enough, but including it in the deployment of the production version is a security risk. Each provider has a proper way of setting enviroment variables securely, refer to the documentation of your server provider for the proper way of setting environment variables.