
EasyPortrait - Face Parsing and Portrait Segmentation Dataset

Primary LanguagePython


EasyPortrait - Face Parsing and Portrait Segmentation Dataset

We introduce a large-scale image dataset EasyPortrait for portrait segmentation and face parsing. Proposed dataset can be used in several tasks, such as background removal in conference applications, teeth whitening, face skin enhancement, red eye removal or eye colorization, and so on.

EasyPortrait dataset size is about 91.78GB, and it contains 40,000 RGB images (~38.3K FullHD images) with high quality annotated masks. This dataset is divided into training set, validation set and test set by subject user_id. The training set includes 30,000 images, the validation set includes 4,000 images, and the test set includes 6,000 images.

For more information see our paper EasyPortrait – Face Parsing and Portrait Segmentation Dataset.

🔥 Changelog

  • 2023/11/13: We release EasyPortrait 2.0. ✌️
    • 40,000 RGB images (~38.3K FullHD images)
    • Added diversity by region, race, human emotions and lighting conditions
    • The data was further cleared and new ones were added
    • Train/val/test split: (30,000) 75% / (4,000) 10% / (6,000) 15% by subject user_id
    • Multi-gpu training and testing
    • Added new models for face parsing and portrait segmentation
    • Dataset size is 91.78GB
    • 13,705 unique persons
  • 2023/02/23: EasyPortrait (Initial Dataset) 💪
    • Dataset size is 26GB
    • 20,000 RGB images (~17.5K FullHD images) with 9 classes annotated
    • Train/val/test split: (14,000) 70% / (2,000) 10% / (4,000) 20% by subject user_id
    • 8,377 unique persons

Old EasyPortrait dataset is also available into branch EasyPortrait_v1!


Link Size
images 91.8 GB
annotations 657.1 MB
meta 1.9 MB
train set 68.3 GB
validation set 10.7 GB
test set 12.8 GB

Also, you can download EasyPortrait dataset from Kaggle.


├── images.zip
│   ├── train/         # Train set: 30k
│   ├── val/           # Validation set: 4k
│   ├── test/          # Test set: 6k
├── annotations.zip
│   ├── train/     
│   ├── val/       
│   ├── test/      
├── meta.zip       # Meta-information (width, height, brightness, imhash, user_id)


We provide some pre-trained models as the baseline for portrait segmentation and face parsing. We use mean Intersection over Union (mIoU) as the main metric.

Portrait segmentation:

Model Name Parameters (M) Input shape mIoU
BiSeNet-V2 56.5 384 x 384 97.95
DANet 190.2 384 x 384 98.63
DeepLabv3 260 384 x 384 98.63
ExtremeC3Net 0.15 384 x 384 96.54
Fast SCNN 6.13 384 x 384 97.64
FCN + MobileNetv2 31.17 384 x 384 98.19
FPN + ResNet50 108.91 1024 × 1024 98.54
FPN + ResNet50 108.91 512 × 512 98.64
FPN + ResNet50 108.91 384 x 384 98.64
FPN + ResNet50 108.91 224 × 224 98.31
SegFormer-B0 14.9 1024 × 1024 98.74
SegFormer-B0 14.9 512 × 512 98.66
SegFormer-B0 14.9 384 x 384 98.61
SegFormer-B0 14.9 224 × 224 98.17
SINet 0.13 384 x 384 93.32

Face parsing:

Model Name Parameters (M) Input shape mIoU
BiSeNet-V2 56.5 384 x 384 76.72
DANet 190.2 384 x 384 79.3
DeepLabv3 260 384 x 384 79.11
EHANet 44.81 384 x 384 72.56
Fast SCNN 6.13 384 x 384 67.56
FCN + MobileNetv2 31.17 384 x 384 75.23
FPN + ResNet50 108.91 1024 × 1024 85.37
FPN + ResNet50 108.91 512 × 512 83.33
FPN + ResNet50 108.91 384 x 384 81.83
FPN + ResNet50 108.91 224 × 224 75.6
SegFormer-B0 14.9 1024 × 1024 85.42
SegFormer-B0 14.9 512 × 512 83.19
SegFormer-B0 14.9 384 x 384 81.38
SegFormer-B0 14.9 224 × 224 74.83


Annotations are presented as 2D-arrays, images in *.png format with several classes:

Index Class

Also, we provide some additional meta-information for dataset in annotations/meta.zip file:

image_name user_id height width set brightness
0 a753e021-... 56... 720 960 train 126
1 4ff04492-... ba... 1920 1440 test 173
2 e8934c99-... 1d... 1920 1440 val 187


  • image_name - image file name without extension
  • user_id - unique anonymized user ID
  • height - image height
  • width - image width
  • brightness - image brightness
  • set - "train", "test" or "val" for train / test / val subsets respectively



Training, Evaluation and Testing on EasyPortrait

The code is based on MMSegmentation with 0.30.0 version.

Models were trained and evaluated on 8 NVIDIA V100 GPUs with CUDA 11.2.

For installation process follow the instructions here and use the requirements.txt file in our repository.


For single GPU mode:

python ./pipelines/tools/train.py ./pipelines/local_configs/easy_portrait_experiments/<model_dir>/<config_file>.py --gpu-id <GPU_ID>

For distributed training mode:

./pipelines/tools/dist_train.sh ./pipelines/local_configs/easy_portrait_experiments/<model_dir>/<config_file>.py <NUM_GPUS>

For single GPU mode:

python ./pipelines/tools/test.py <PATH_TO_MODEL_CONFIG>  <PATH_TO_CHECKPOINT> --gpu-id <GPU_ID> --eval mIoU

For distributed evaluation mode:

./pipelines/tools/dist_test.sh <PATH_TO_MODEL_CONFIG>  <PATH_TO_CHECKPOINT> <NUM_GPUS> --eval mIoU
Run demo
python ./pipelines/demo/image_demo.py <PATH_TO_IMG> <PATH_TO_MODEL_CONFIG> <PATH_TO_CHECKPOINT> --palette=easy_portrait --out-file=<PATH_TO_OUT_FILE>

Authors and Credits



You can cite the paper using the following BibTeX entry:

    title={EasyPortrait - Face Parsing and Portrait Segmentation Dataset},
    author={Kapitanov, Alexander and Kvanchiani, Karina and Kirillova Sofia},
    journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2304.13509},


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This work is licensed under a variant of Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Please see the specific license.