
A brief test application for ATmega 128 to test interface with DS1307 RTC

Primary LanguageC

This application is a simple test of two interfaces:

  • DS1307 Real-time clock
  • NEC FC20x2JA-AB 20x2 vacuum fluorescent display

Hardware setup

The setup for the DS1307 simply uses the parameters from the datasheet. You need connections to VCC (+5V) and GND. The setup requires a connection to the ATmega128 I2C pins. (SCL = PD0, SDA = PD1)

In parallel mode, the VFD requires multiple pins which are specified in the vfd header file. We use PORTE for the data port (VFD_D0 = PE0, etc.) and PORTA as the control port:

  • VFD_CS => PA2
  • VFD_A0 => PA1
  • VFD_WR => PA0
  • VFD_BUSY => PA3