AI Village Defcon Dataset

In this respository is the dataset from the AI Village red teaming competition, held at DEFCON 31. In the .zip containing the data is a json file.

To read the .json file into a python notebook, please use this code snippet:

import pandas as pd 
import numpy as np

data = pd.read_json("/ <insert your file path here> /anonymised_AIV.json")

This dataset is also available on Hugging Face at: humane-intelligence/defcon34-ai-village-redteam.

Data Description:

Column dtype total count unique count
category_name object 17309 6
challenges_name object 17309 21
contestant_message object 17309 21
conversation object 17309 17246
submission_message object 17309 1
user_justification object 17309 17246
submission_grade object 17309 3
conversation_length int64 17309 N/A