A todo app written with the pedestal framework.
The app depends upon the app-tools and app-template components from the pedestal project. These are not avalaible in clojars and thus need to be pulled in from the pedestal project.
- Clone the pedestal repo -
git clone git://github.com/pedestal/pedestal.git
- Change into the cloned repo
- run
lein sub install
to install the components.
To run, clone the repo
Navigate to the root directory of repo
Create a repl
lein repl
Navigate to localhost:3000/todo-data-ui.html
It should work
If you want to change the port number if starts at try the following: Use: (run port-number :todo) where port-number is the port number, i.e. (run 8000 :todo)
lein repl
(run 8000 :todo)