
Static Page offloading

Primary LanguagePHP

Static Page Generator for WordPress

Export / save static copies of all your WordPress URLs.

This plugin is very specific in what it offers, that is - saving (almost) all URLs that can be publicly viewed on a WordPress site to another directory. This can be used in conjunction with different Stream Wrappers to upload to locations on S3, FTP etc.

The plugin essentials works like so:

  1. Get all the URLs that exist on the site via get_posts, get_terms etc etc.
  2. Generate the public markup from each URL.
  3. Perform any replacements on the content such as transforming URLs.
  4. Save the pages to a directory, preserving the original path.

This can be triggered via WP CLI Commands, or via cron when content on the WordPress site is updated.

WP CLI Commands

Get the output of a single page, for testing

wp static-page output http://wordpress.dev/ [--replace-from=<from>] [--replace-to=<to>]

List all URLs that Static Page knows about

wp static-page urls

Save the site to static files

wp static-page save [--replace-from=<from>] [--replace-to=<to>]

List all assets that Static Page knows about

wp static-page assets

Save all assets out

wp static-page save-assets


Static Page is meant to be require little configuration, in the case than you do need to configure this, you can use the following hooks:

Add / remove URLs that are generated

add_filter( 'static_page_site_urls', function ( $urls ) {
	$urls[] = site_url( '/my-hidden-url/' );
	return $urls;

Make custom URL replacements on the contents of pages

add_filter( 'static_page_replace_urls_in_content', function ( $page_markup ) {
	return str_replace( site_url(), 'https://my-cdn.example.com/', $page_markup );

Add / remove assets directories to be copied on save-assets

All files of type jpg, css, js, png, gif will be copied from the directories.

add_filter( 'static_page_assets_dirs', function ( $dirs ) {
	$dirs[] = plugin_dir( 'akismet' );
	return $dirs;