
Recreating Slack with Laravel and Vue.js

Primary LanguagePHP

Case Study: Slack

The case study of building Slack with Laravel and Vue.js.

You can read the full write up here:

  • Overview
  • Backend (coming soon)
  • Frontend (coming soon)


If you wanna host it on your own to see how it works, just follow the instructions.

Be warned though, I'm writing the instructions at 2 in the morning, things might will go wrong.


Create a Pusher account.

Make sure your .env variables are all set. Keep track of that cluster!


Also, change your pusher settings in resources/assets/js/bootstrap.js. I committed mine but, ¯_(ツ)_/¯, add your key and cluster right there too.

Vue.prototype.$echo = window.echo = new Holler({
  broadcaster: 'pusher',
  key: '',
  cluster: '',



I didn't really make a registration form for creating teams (sorry for that), so you'll either have to use php artisan tinker, or modify database/seeds/TeamsTableSeeder.php and add your preferred subdomain to make things work.

Setting up

Don't forget to run composer.

$ composer install

Also, we'll have to migrate the database, seed it, and set up Passport's defaults.

$ php artisan:fresh --seed && art passport:install


I'm running the app via Laravel Valet.

To link to the subdomains you'll be testing out, go to the project root and run valet link <subdomain>.slack.dev.

You should be able to access the registration form from there.


I don't think there'll be anything special here other than running yarn. I think.

$ yarn
$ yarn run dev