
Google Play Services API for React Native.

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT



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This library is made based on React Native 0.60.5+. It's not recommended for under 0.60.5, so upgrade your React Native version to 0.60.5 or later.

React Native Official Docs - Upgrading to new React Native versions


This library helps using Google Play Services API in React Native.


  • Check whether Google Play Services is available
  • Go to the Settings page to enable Google Play Services
  • Go to the Play Store link to update Google Play Services


Install via npm or yarn

$ npm install react-native-play-services --save


$ yarn add react-native-play-services

Manual Install

  1. Open android/app/src/main/java/[...]/MainApplication.java.
  • Put import io.humanscape.opensources.playservices.PlayServicesPackage; at the top of file.
  • Add new PlayServicesPackage() to returning array of getPackages() method.
  1. Add these lines to android/settings.gradle.
    include ':react-native-play-services'
    project(':react-native-play-services').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, '../node_modules/react-native-play-services/android')
  2. Add this line to dependencies scope in android/app/build.gradle.:
      compile project(':react-native-play-services')


import PlayServices from 'react-native-play-services';

// Full-set API


// Customizable API

(async () => {
  const status = await PlayServices.checkPlayServicesStatus();
  switch (status) {
    case PlayServices.GooglePlayServicesStatus.GMS_DISABLED:
    // handle anything.
  • Constants

    • GooglePlayServicesStatus
      • GooglePlayServicesStatus.AVAILABLE
        • Google Play Services is available.
      • GooglePlayServicesStatus.GMS_DISABLED
        • Google Play Services is disabled.
        • Need to enable at app settings.
      • GooglePlayServicesStatus.GMS_NEED_UPDATE
        • Google Play Services is outdated.
        • Need to update at Play Store.
      • GooglePlayServicesStatus.INVALID
        • Unable to configure Google Play Services.
  • Functions

    • sync()
      •   sync: (params: { onGmsDisabled?: () => {}, onGmsNeedUpdate?: () => {} }) => Promise<void>;
      • Performs all actions for keeping Google Play Services status up to date.
      • If onGmsDisabled is not specified, it will execute goToSettings().
      • If onGmsNeedUpdate is not specified, it will execute goToMarket().
    • checkPlayServicesStatus()
      •   checkPlayServicesStatus: () => Promise<GooglePlayServicesStatus>;
      • Checks Google Play Services status, and return GooglePlayServicesStatus.
    • goToSetting()
      •   goToSetting: () => Promise<void>;
      • Opens Setting page to enable Google Play Services.
    • goToMarket()
      •   goToMarket: () => Promise<void>;
      • Opens Play Store link to update Google Play Services.