
Data Types

data type value ctype python value
BOOL YES / NO c_bool bool True / False
char e.g. 'a' c_char byte object e.g. 97
short int -32.768 … 32.767 c_short int e.g. 32000
unsigned short int 0 … 65.535 c_ushort int e.g. 65000
int -2.147.483.648 … 2.147.483.647 c_int int e.g. 2000000000
unsigned int 0 … 4.294.967.295 c_uint int e.g. 4000000000
long int -9.223.372.036.854.775.808 … 9.223.372.036.854.775.807 c_long int e.g. 9000000000000000000
unsigned long int 0 … 18.446.744.073.709.551.615 c_ulong int ...
float 4 bytes as in int values c_float float ...
double 8 bytes as in long int values c_double float ...
void no value c_void_p int or None no value
*pointer memory address POINTER(c_int) or byref(obj) - -

Pythonista ctypes
Objective-C data types 1
Objective-C data types 2

Apple Developer Documentation
Language: Objective-C

# set screen brightness to 60%
from objc_util import *

# ObjCClass('UIScreen') => interface => type: NSObject
# mainScreen() => property of UIScreen
# setBrightness(0.6) => property of mainScreen => type: CGFloat (0.0 ... 1.0)

# see also Pythonista => Examples => ObjC => ScreenBrightness.py

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