
Evident Security Platform Custom Signatures Samples

Primary LanguageRuby

Custom Signatures

This is a repo of custom signature samples that you can use in your environment.

Source code files are provided for demonstration purposes only.

Please email support@evident.io if you have any questions.

Custom Signature Tutorial ( javascript )

##overview A custom signature is a function that reads AWS SDK data from Amazon, and creates one or more alerts based on that data and conditionals you describe.

An alert has

  • a status of pass fail warn or error
  • identifying metadata such as instance_id or logging_status
  • This field is used to identify unique alerts that share the same signature but describe different AWS resources (ex. volume_id instance_id bucket_name)

A custom signature will always have two sections config and perform.

In the config section you define the parameters your signature will use when it runs. For example, you set which region you are interested in checking, and you give the signature a unique id.

In the perform section you write a function that implements your security policy, and creates one or more alerts. The alerts are themselves are created using the dsl.pass() and dsl.fail() functions. Take those objects returned by the functions and push them onto an array of alerts. When you are done return them at the end of the perform block. Each alert is then stored in the database.


An example config section

dsl.configure(function(c) {
  c.valid_regions = ['us_east_1'];
  c.identifier = 'AWS:EC2-909'
  c.deep_inspection = ['volume_type', 'volume_id'];
  c.unique_identifier = ['volume_id'];

dsl.configure is a function that is passed an anonymous callback function that receives a configuration object (here c) as the first argument. Inside the anonymous function you have access the configuration settings for the signature.

####configuration metadata


  • An array of regions to run the signature
  • ex. ['us_east_1', 'us_west_2']


  • A unique string identifying the signature in the database. Usually takes the form AWS:SERVICE_CODE-SOME_NUMBER
  • ex. AWS:EC2-303 or AWS:R52:909


  • An array of fields that provide additional information beyond the status when an alert is viewed in the actual report.
  • These fields are referenced in the perform block when you call dsl.set_data()


  • An array of fields that are used to identify the alert as unique in the database.
  • This is commonly unique to the resource being described in the alert.


The perform section is a function that is passed the AWS SDK as an object. You use this aws object to make calls to AWS.

Perform block psuedocode looks like

function perform(aws){
  try {

    // make a container for returned alerts
    var alerts = []

    // make some AWS calls to get an array of resources
    // for each resource
    // {
    //    read some resource information using the aws object passed to the
    //    perform function
    //    store some of that resource information to the report using
    //    dsl.set_data()
    //    compare it to a desired value or state
    //      push a dsl.pass() or dsl.fail() to the alerts container
    //        ex. alerts.push(dsl.fail({message:'failed'}))
    // }

    return alerts;

  } catch(err){
    return dsl.error({
      errors: err.message

An example perform section:

function perform(aws) {
  try {

    // make the container for returned alerts
    var alerts = [];

    var region = aws.region;

    // these are AWS SDK calls to get a list of resources to check
    var volumes = aws.ec2.describe_volumes().volumes;

    // this is our condition we are searching for in this signature
    // we want to enforce a specific volume type in this region
    // if you change the variable below to 'gp2' it will use that
    var type_to_check_for = 'standard'

    // for each volume returned from the AWS SDK call
    volumes.map(function(volume) {

      // this is where you specify the data for the fields listed in the
      // deep_inspection array
      // create an object and give it some information
      var report = {
        volume_type: volume.volume_type,
        volume_id: volume.volume_id

      // call dsl.set_data() with that object as the argument and the alert
      // will now have this additional information associated with it

      // our condition check
      // is the volume.volume_type not the same as our desired type?
      if (volume.volume_type !== type_to_check_for) {

        // in this block the volume.volume_type !== type_to_check_for
        // You will create a failed alert with a message.
        // The message is a string, and the failed alert is created by calling
        // dsl.fail({ message: 'some message indicating why'})
        // You then push that object on to the alerts array and the next
        // volume is checked

        var fail_message = 'volume with id '
        fail_message += volume.volume_id + ' is of type '
        fail_message += volume.volume_type + ' and not of type '
        fail_message += type_to_check_for;

        // add the alert to the array of alerts
          message: fail_message

      } else {

        // in this block the volume.volume_type === type_to_check_for
        // You will create a pass alert with a message.

        var pass_message = 'volume with id ' + volume.volume_id
        pass_message += ' is of type ' + volume.volume_type;

        // add the alert to the array of alerts
          message: pass_message



    // return the array of alerts
    return alerts;

  } catch (err) {
    return dsl.error({
      errors: err.message

Supported Services

When calling AWS methods and classes within Custom Signatures, please use the list below as a reference.

Class Name Method Name
ACM acm
APIGateway api_gateway
ApplicationAutoScaling aas
ApplicationDiscoveryService app_discovery_service
AppStream appstream
AutoScaling as
Batch batch
Budgets budgets
CloudDirectory clouddirectory
CloudFormation cfm
CloudFront cf
CloudHSM cloudhsm
CloudSearch cs
CloudTrail ct
CloudWatch cw
CloudWatchEvents cw_events
CloudWatchLogs cwl
CodeBuild code_build
CodeCommit code_commit
CodeDeploy cd
CodePipeline code_pipeline
CodeStar code_star
CognitoIdentity cognito
CognitoIdentityProvider cognito_identity_provider
CognitoSync cognito_sync
ConfigService config
CostandUsageReportService cost_and_usage
DatabaseMigrationService database_migration_service
DataPipeline dp
DeviceFarm device_farm
DirectConnect dc
DirectoryService directory_service
DynamoDB dynamodb
DynamoDBStreams dynamodbstreams
EC2 ec2
ECR ecr
ECS ecs
EFS elastic_filesystem
ElastiCache ec
ElasticBeanstalk elbs
ElasticLoadBalancing elb
ElasticLoadBalancingV2 elbv2
ElasticsearchService elastic_search
ElasticTranscoder elt
EMR emr
Firehose firehose
GameLift gamelift
Glacier glacier
Health health
IAM iam
ImportExport ie
Inspector inspector
IoT iot
Kinesis ks
KinesisAnalytics kinesis_analytics
KMS kms
Lambda lambda
LambdaPreview lambda_preview
Lex lex
LexModelBuildingService lex_model_building_service
Lightsail lightsail
MachineLearning machine_learning
MarketplaceCommerceAnalytics market_place
MarketplaceMetering marketplance_metering
MTurk mturk
OpsWorks ops
OpsWorksCM ops_works_cm
Organizations organizations
Pinpoint pinpoint
Polly polly
RDS rds
Redshift rs
Rekognition rekognition
ResourceGroupsTaggingAPI resource_groups_tagging
Route53 route53
Route53Domains route53_domains
S3 s3
ServiceCatalog service_catalog
SES ses
Shield shield
SimpleDB sdb
SMS sms
Snowball snowball
SNS sns
SQS sqs
SSM ssm
States states
StorageGateway sg
STS sts
Support support
SWF swf
WAF waf
WAFRegional waf_regional
WorkDocs workdocs
WorkSpaces workspaces
XRay xray