
VPN Aker Client with X11

Primary LanguageDockerfile


VPN Aker Client with X11

Now compatible with WSL2 (Windows Subsystem linux version 2). It does not need virtualization.


  1. Execute one X11 server. I suggest https://mobaxterm.mobatek.net/ for simple and good UI;

  2. Set environment VPNRDPIP to Remote Desktop IP Address (RDP Server) in docker-compose.yml

  3. Run container akerclient and wait window Aker Client to display

#run with docker-compose and listening port 3380 
docker-compose run --rm --service-ports akerclient
#OR run with docker
docker run -it --rm -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix -v /lib/modules:/lib/modules:ro -v home:/root  -e DISPLAY=host.docker.internal:0.0 -e VPNRDPIP=<remote_desktop_ip_here> --name akerclient --shm-size 2g --privileged humbertosales/akerclient-x11
  1. Execute Aker CLI in bash opened. If not display, run again.
  1. Setting server and export configuration to /root (volume monted to ./home) for next times.

  2. Connect Microsoft Terminal Service (Remote Access) in localhost:3380

Terminal Service

Tested images

  • Docker Desktop (windows w/ WSL2) version (build 48506) - WSL2 - stable (4.19.128-microsoft-standard) - TAG (perhaps v2.4.0.0-wsl2)
  • Docker Desktop (windows w/ hyperv) version (build 43884) - stable (Linuxkit Kernel 4.19.76) - TAG
  • Docker Desktop (windows w/ hyperv) version (build 45183) - stable (Linuxkit Kernel 4.19.76) - TAG
  • Docker Desktop (windows w/ hyperv) version (build 45519) - stable (Linuxkit Kernel 4.19.76) - TAG

Non tested images

  • Docker Desktop (windows w/ hyperv) version 3.0.0 (build 50684) - stable (Linuxkit Kernel 4.19.121) - TAG 3.0.0

Latest images

  • humbertosales/akerclient-x11:latest => Docker for Desktop on Microsoft HyperV
  • humbertosales/akerclient-x11:wsl2 => Docker for Desktop on Microsoft WSL2 (not working with Kernel 5)